
148 22 0

Juri Ung

After class, I went home. I don't usually study in the library because I prefer the silence of my room over the library, so I always head home right after class.

I opened my phone to check the time. I made a personal schedule for my study sessions, and it would start at 5:00 pm during school days and a total of eight hours (with few breaks in between) during weekend.

"Move!" The rushed yell made me almost jump, but it was all too late to move aside. A figure of a guy crashed on my back and we immediately collapsed on the ground.

I freaked out. I quickly pulled myself up while he groaned in pain. Luckily, I was quick to push him so that he won't land on my back and I think I pushed him too hard.

But my hands are dirty now. I pick up my phone from the ground. I almost want to curse him when I saw how badly damaged the screen of my phone. I can still see the lock screen but it's flickering with a static purple and black color.

"Oh, sorry. I'm sorry." He gets up while he groaned.

I could feel my blood boiling up due to the growing frustration. I don't have enough money to get this fixed. But even with my annoyance reaching its peak, I remained calm. One thing I've trained myself over the past years is to remain unaffected, even if it does affect me big time.

His eyes landed on my phone and widened his eyes. Although I could see a bit of hesitation in his eyes when he started speaking. It irritates me.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled. I looked at him dead in the eyes. He's taller than me and seems like his body is built for an athlete. Perhaps, a basketball player? He's wearing the same uniform as the school I'm currently attending, so I assume we're going in the same school together.

"My phon-" before I could even finish my words, his eyes looked past my shoulders and immediately widened. Without any words, he pulled my wrist and drag me to run fast.

I didn't know how to react that fast so I wasn't able to contradict his action. I hate being held! I don't like feeling other people's skin against mine without my permission. This guy seems to have a thick face, does he even know the word personal space?

For someone who just met someone, it's unusual for them to just hold them right away and run like crazy.

"Come on, faster!" He urged in between his huffs, I tried to lower my pace so I could confront him but I was too busy catching up my breath too. Soon I noticed that we are not the only ones who are running, there are people chasing us.

"Who are they?" I shouted while trying to keep up with him. Hell, those who are running after us seems like they're from another neighbouring school, and they look like those thugs in movies that likes to beat up people. Bullies? Or is this guy the bully? But they're too many of them to be targeting him, so maybe he's being bullied?

And maybe I'm not wrong, maybe this guy right here have somehow wronged them and now I'm involved with their fight.

He pulled me into an alley and continued to run. After some time, we reached a dead end. Luckly, there was a stair on the right corner so we took the stairs. He seems like he already knows what he's doing and where the complicated alleys lead when he pulled me inside a computer shop and we hid together in the corner.

Even if I'm already trying my best to regain my strength and fix my breath, I glared at him.

"Who are they? And why did you pull me? I don't care about your business with them. First, you crashed into me. Second, you broke my phone, and now you involved me in this running spree from those people." He looked at me and held his hand up, trying to make me stop while still catching up his breath.

"I'm really really sorry, Miss. I didn't mean to pull you. But those bitches involves everyone who are linked to me, and I can't afford to involve you too. Luckily, they didn't see your face clearly." He sighed in relief.

My face turned sour, so if they had seen my face, I would be used against him? For what? Money? What does those bullies want him for? A good beating? Or is this guy right here is the bully, the one who provoked them first?

Anyway, that's the least of my problem now. The main problem is my phone is broken and my usual study session has been broken. For the first time ever, I wasn't able to start on the right time and it's this guy's fault.

I stood up and he his eyes followed me, looking up while furrowing his brows.

I didn't say anything and just left him. When I reached the door, he suddenly ran after me. "Wait, wait!" He was about to reach for my wrist again so I pulled it away from him, making him almost shoving himself against the glass door. He quickly regained himself and thew me a serious glance.


"I'm gonna walk you home. Those bullies are maybe still looking for us, so I have to take you home myself. Don't worry, this will be the last time you'll ever see me." He promised while scratching the back of his head. I shot him a serious glance.

Better be.

"But I'll get your phone fixed first. Give me that." He snatched the phone from my grip. I didn't say anything, alright, I can't spend my money on fixing my phone because I'm saving for something else.

"I'll get this fixed and after that, I swear, I'll disappear from your sight." He promised again. I gave him a small nod and walked outside. He tailed me like a lost puppy.

I closed my eyes to somehow regain my strength, so much has happened today.

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