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Juri Ung

Our school is actually divided into two. The sports side, and the academic side. Our campus is wide and trust me, everyone in this school already experienced getting lost atleast once in their lives here.

The right side stood the buildings intended for the students who are just studying, the lab, the library and everything. While the other side is just full of training facilities for athletes and everything related to sports.

I would often see athletes hanging around with their friends in our building, it's very easy to label them differently due to the shirt they're wearing. I rarely see them in a complete uniform though, most of the time they wore black shirts that had our school's logo in it.

For all the athletes I've encountered, I've never spotted Dohoon as one of them. He seems like a social butterfly and according to Miss Yuri, he's quite famous in our school. Maybe I'm just too focused with my studies like what I'm supposed to do.

He's not someone important, anyway.

"Here," he offered the phone after class. I gave him a stern look, something that indicates the word irritated. How can he keep his promise to never show his face again when it turns out, he's someone I'll be spending most of the time with for the whole school year?

It's ridiculous, but again, I calmed myself. For the money, for the scholarship.

"Aren't you going to thank me?" I furrowed my brows after hearing his dumb question. Why would I thank him when he was the one who broke it in the first place? I don't owe him anything.

"Come on, is it really that hard to show a little bit of gratitude?" He continued. I sighed and turned around. "Hey!"

He followed me. "Are you always like this?" He asked curiously, still following my pace. I frowned upon hearing his question, and again, I didn't answer.

"That's rude, you know? Even if I was the one who broke it, you still have to thank me because I got it fixed." I pretended that I don't see him even if he tried so hard to wave his hand in my face.

"So thats why they said you're the most grumpiest one." He whispered. I continued walking, now we're out of the building and I'm approaching the gate.

"Do you even know how to smile?" Again and again and again, this guy really doesn't know how to shut up. His questions are now becoming insensitive and I hate how he's not even trying to think it twice before saying anything.

I hate people like him.

"What is your secret for being smart?" Now his questions are becoming dumber than he already is.

"What's your-" I turned around it seemed like it surprised him. "Can you, for once, shut your mouth?" And there, the emotion that I masked with calmness, bursted out. He bit his lip and slowly nodded his head.

I didn't feel a little ounce of guilt because he's really getting into my nerves.

"Wow, can you make your smile a bit bigger? Like Doohon." The camera man suggested and my forehead wrinkled. Why does my smile bothers him so much?

They're taking our picture for a promotional poster that just seems like a teaser and I'm not having it. The only motivation I have is the scholarship and money. I kept chanting it in my head so I won't just suddenly stand up and leave this room.

"Can you sit closer to each other?" Another one commented. I could feel that the guy beside me froze but I shrugged it off and sat closer to him. This is just for the show, afterall, so it really doesn't give any malice.

The photoshoot ended and I immediately stood up. Dohoon stood up, he was about to open his mouth when he remembered something, then closed his mouth. Good, he's learned his lesson.

"How's the photoshoot?" Miss Yuri excitedly asked me as she peeked her head from the door. I was busy gathering my things so I can get home.

"It was fine," I replied nonchalantly.

"Just fine? Come on, Juri. You have to get close with Dohoon. You have to know him now that you're going to spend a lot of time together." She nagged, I nodded. If that's what she wants, then okay, I'll get to know him.

I can easily forget him after. Easy as that. Start a life without any traces of him.

"Sure, Miss." I replied.

"I'm really curious of how the show would turn out. I mean, CCZ is a pretty big and famous company, isn't it?" Yes, that's true. I'm not really that fond of the entertainment industry, but I recognized CCZ Production as one of the famous in the country.

They produce a lot of high rating dramas and shows, earning the title of the biggest company. I'm just surprised they chose our school to participate in their documentary show. I don't know if I should be glad or not.

"And I'm sure you'll get along with Dohoon well." I just shrugged at her last remarks. I don't have any time to ponder further whether we'll get along or not, I just have to make sure that everything will be in peace when we're together.

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