
124 17 0

Kim Dohoon

It's still the beginning of the semester so athletes’ training is not very tight yet. I looked at myself while wearing our school uniform, it already feels foreign to me because I've always worn anything but this. Then again, I have to wear this if I want to appear presentable on my very first day of attending the class.

As I opened the door of my new classroom—new because it was changed and now I'm in Juri’s class—I instantly smiled at everyone who beamed at me. I knew a lot of them by face, but I can't utter their names out loud as I'm not really sure of it.

I headed off next to Juri's seat. She's wearing her wired headset and continued jotting down on her notebook, completely ignoring my presence. I shake my head.

Juri is actually not bad at all. She seemed like a person who built a wall for herself so other people could stay within their boundaries. I've seen it, and I want to break it. I've never been the type of person who's actually interested in getting to know other people's businesses, but there's something about Juri that urged me to do it.

Maybe because of her pressed brows when she looks at me, or maybe it was because she's really good at handling her emotions. Or maybe I don't know, I'm really just curious.

Today is Monday and we're going to start officially filming tomorrow. We are given a free day today for the intention of getting to know each other but that's a hard job to do. I can't even bring Juri into looking at me.

I heaved a sigh and played on my pen until the bell rang and our first teacher came in. Miss Yuri smiled at me then her eyes landed on Juri, who's now looking at her too.

"Good morning, everyone. Wow, what's up with the bright smile guys?" She chuckled. "Is it because no one expected Dohoon to be here?" She added, which made me blush a little. No need for that, Miss Yuri.

"Okay, let’s start with our class.” I did quite follow the class as I forced my lids to be alive. I hate science. And why are we having science early in the morning anyway? I could feel the insult in Juri’s side eye stares as I slapped my cheeks just to wake up my sleeping soul.

She’s clearly disappointed but isn't surprised. I just let her insult me secretly even if I’m already offended.

I woke up by the slight nudge on my elbow. It’s Juri, eyeing me with her usual blank stare. “We’re partners for the essay activity. Stand up, we’re going to the library.” She instantly left with her notebook and pen, so I followed her even if I’m a little bit dizzy.

I bumped into her when I lost my balance and she quickly threw a glare. Why is this girl so grumpy early in the morning? And why am I so sleepy?

“What the hell is that?” My eyes widened when Juri just put the whole ass thick book in front of me. How are we supposed to finish reading all this in just an hour? I gaped on the book as Juri skimmed through it.

I coughed a little when my nostrils caught the dust escaping from the pages. “You dumb, don’t lean. You’re gonna get an allergy or rashes–” I shrugged her off. She already sounded like a mom.

“Don’t worry, I’m a strong person. The dust couldn't possibly harm me.” I assured her, so she shrugged like she didn't really care whether I died by inhaling too much dust or I don't know.

Was she just telling me that out of formality? I glanced over the corners to see if there’s hidden cameras, but no, there’s none. So she must be just like that then, showing worry even if she doesn't really care.

I heaved a sigh.

What a cruel woman.

I watched Juri as she passionately skimmed through the pages, her fingers moving as if they had already memorised in flipping the pages smoothly. I saw how her brows would press together while reading, and her little smile she’s unaware of after finding a good part for our essay.

She looks angelic when her attention is on the book. Sighs. Is it my fault now that I was born a human and not a book? Why does Juri seem to hate all human beings in the whole world? Why can't I get close to her?

After Juri finished the essay with a little BIG help from me, she decided to immediately submit it to Miss Yuri. Probably to get me out of her sight as quickly as possible.

While we’re on our way to the exit, someone accidentally bumped against Juri, making her be pushed towards me. My eyes widened as soon as I caught her arms. She quickly pulled away and looks at the guy whom she just bumped.

My brows furrowed. It’s that dude I’ve always seen around but never actually got to know his name. “I’m sorry!” He muttered, Juri nodded her head. She just walk past him, so I did too.

Why does he looked frozen? Did he just fall in love on the spot? Got star-strucked? I shrugged. Nevertheless, I pity him. Juri doesn't entertain admirers as of the moment, I’m sure of it.

I wonder how many guys did Juri reject? It can't be more than mine, right? She can't beat me in that. I swear. I’m more popular with girls.

I frowned at my own thoughts. Why am I having a comparison between that nonsense anyway?

“Hey, what are you doing?” I quickly paced with her and scratch the back of my head. If I could only read what’s on Juri’s mind, I’d probably know how to make her less grumpy.

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