Chapter 43

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Tom's POV
I was coming back from calling Georg when I heard yelling. I walked towards the reception area to see Tinsley. I knew she wouldn't be able to stay away.
"I'm sorry Miss. You cannot see Miss Kaulitz. It is family only." The receptionist said.
"I'm her girlfriend! I should be allowed to see her!" Tinsley said. I clenched my fists and took a few deep breaths to control myself. She may have been dating my daughter before but I was not going to allow it anymore.
"Is there a problem here?"
"Mr. Kaulitz. I'm so sorry, I keep trying to tell this young lady family only but she won't listen." The nurse apologized.
"It's fine. I will take it from here." I said and pulled Tinsley away from the front desk.
"Listen and listen good. You are to stay away from Courtney. If you do not stay away from her I will call the cops." I said.
"What? Why?" Tinsley asked.
"You're the reason she's in here. Now leave." I said trying to control my anger.
"What? You can't be serious. I didn't do anything." Tinsley lied.
"Are you serious right now? Leave or I will call security." I said.
Tinsley huffed in anger and stomped away. I then went into my daughter's room and saw she was awake.
"Hey. How you feeling?" I asked.
"Fine. Are you okay papa?"
"Yeah. Of course, why wouldn't I be?" I said.
"Papa, don't lie to me." Courtney said. I then broke down.
"You scared me. You scared me and your dad. Promise me you will never do something like this again." I cried.
"Promise me." I begged.
"I-I don't know if I can." Courtney said. I then got up and hugged her.
"Promise me. If you ever feel like you have to hurt yourself again or feel like you have to end it, you will come talk to me or your dad. We can't lose you." I said
"I promise."
"Good." I said wiping my tears just as the doctor knocked on the door.
"How are you feeling?" The doctor asked.
"Fine. Can I go home?" Courtney asked.
"We are going to check your vitals and if everything looks good then you can go home." The doctor said and a nurse came and checked Courtney.
"Looked like everything is good. You can get changed and we will get you checked out." The nurse said and unplugged everything that needed to be unplugged and left. I then helped Courtney off the bed and she got her clothes out of the bag and went into the bathroom to change while I went to check her out of the hospital.
"Ready papa?"
"Yeah, let's go." I said and we headed to the car. The entire car ride was silent. Once we were Home I opened the door and Georg ran and hugged Courtney. He began to cry.
"I'm okay dad." Courtney said.
"Please never scare me like that again." Georg cried.
"I promise I won't," Courtney said and pulled away.
"I'm going to go shower and go to bed."
"Alright." Georg said and Courtney headed upstairs." Once she was upstairs Georg hugged and cried.
"Shh, it's okay. She's okay. She's home." I said trying to  comfort him.
"I thought we lost her."
"I wouldn't allow it. Now let's all get some rest we have had a long day. We then made sure the kids were still asleep and then went to bed ourselves. Our daughter was finally home.

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