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Callie ended up staying home for the rest of the week because of the morning sickness. She decided to force herself to go in today since she'd missed last shift.

"Callie, are you okay. You didn't come into last shift" George ask her.

"Yeah" she says as Derek pulls his sister away.

"How are you doing little sis"

"Fine and I'm older"

"We're Twins"

"Yeah but I'm older by 6 minutes" Callie smiles at her brother.

"Hey, there's that smile" he says giving her a hug before they get back on the floor to work.

Meredith and Callie are doing rounds together and when they finish they walk to the desk station before Callie sees Mark wandering around. Suddenly getting a wave of nausea and goes and throw up in the bathroom a few doors down. Meredith walk up to the unknown man to her.

"Hey, what are you looking for" she asks him

"It's not a what it a who" he says before Derek comes over and gives him a punch in the face.

"That's Mark" he says to his girlfriend.

Callie comes back from the bathroom "shit" she whispers under her breath.

"Callie" Mark says chasing her down.


"Can we talk"

"I can't do this right now."

"C'mon Callie. Please"

"I- I got to get back to work." Callie looks at his cheek where Derek punched him. "You should get that stitched up" she says walking out to her friends.

"Can someone please deal with Mark."

"Why can't you deal with him" Cristina asks her

"Just someone else please go and deal with him."

"I got it" Alex says sensing that something's going on with his friend.

"Thanks" Callie walks into where her brother is. "Really Derek. Why?"


"Punching Mark"

"He Slept with Addie."

"That doesn't give you the right to punch him"

"Callie. He was my best friend and he slept with Addie. I just- don't want to see him again."

"Well, good luck with that"

"What does that mean" Derek ask his sister confused.

"Mark's the father of my baby"

"What" Derek says with a straight face. "You and Mark.

"Yeah. We were always on and off since high school. When you left we started going out again. Not exclusively, we were never serious but then when Addie left to try and get you back we started a relationship and got really close."


There was a good silence for the next 30 second or so.

"So you and mark. Guessing you haven't told him yet"

"Nope not yet" Callie took a short pause. "Nice uppercut by the way"

"Thanks" he says smiling at his sister.

The rest of shift was very tiring for Callie. All she thought was she should have stayed home. As she's watching TV on the couch there's a knock on the door. "I'm coming" she yells to whoever is behind the door as she walks over and opens it.


"Mark. What are you doing here"

"I want to talk to you." He says handing her some flowers and a bottle of wine.

"I uh. I'm don't drink anymore"

"Since when."

"Since" she pauses. "Since I'm pregnant"


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