Chapter 11

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"Is something wrong? "

Kluea appeared and immediately asked with curiousuty. The other people in the shop must have already talked about him because when Kluea came in, he looked at his wrist and knew it hurt.

"My wrist hurts a little. I lifted something in the wrong position. "

"Are you okay, you'll be in the kitchen  lifting things all the time." he asked.

As he asked, several other things came to mind. Today, he watched Chef Aob cooking and realised that he had to use his wrists a lot such as lifting the pan and swinging the spatula,especially when cooking chinese style stir fry which requires fast timing and controlled fire settings. The wrists will definitely require a lot of strain.

"If I don't use the wrong position, there won't be any problems. "

Plawan kept the last words in his heart. Kluea turned to look at him for a moment before jumping onto the bed. After receiving customers for lunch, employees rest from 14:30-15:30, before getting ready to welcome customers for dinner. There is unlimited food for you to eat in the kitchen since the everyday menus are of different choice depending on the chef.

"Then, why did you apply to be the successor of this restaurant. "

The person sleeping in the other bed asked. The young man turned his head and saw the other man holding his hands behind his neck and staring blankly at the walls and ceiling as if it was the vast sky, as far as the eye could see and remained silent. Plawan thought Kluea should definitely be the number one candidate to inherit the restaurant.

"I like eating basil and chef makes delicious basil. "

Kluea laughed.

What are you laughing about? I like eating stir fried basil, is there something wrong? I'm the number  one lover of stir fried basil. You can even compete with me as a true fan of stir fried basil. "

"If you like eating basil, buy it and eat it. Why do you want to be a chef. "

Oh, actually what Kluea said is true. But Plawan couldn't say he intended to take over the restaurant. He laughed a little. Luckily, he made a good friend like Kluea in the restaurant.

"You know, this shop is so expensive that I can't afford it. If I had to spend 3,000 baht per meal everyday, I would go bankrupt. " He turned and winked at the other person. "Therefore as an employee here, I can eat for free everyday until I'm fired. "

"Damn!!" Kluea cursed without taking it seriously.

"So, why did you come to become an employee here? With good cooking skills like yours, you can open a new restaurant. You don't even need to apply for a competition like this. "

On the day Plawan came to eat as a customer, he considered Kluea the  chef because many dishes were prepared by Kluea. This means that Kluea's skills are at a level that Chef Aob can accept. For him, that was enough to open his own restaurant and not live under Chef Aob's shadow.

"I like this restaurant. " Kluea muttered.

"I've known about this restaurant since I was a teenager. While studying at university, I lived in a dormitory near here. Before, this restaurant wasn't the high end dining place it is now so I often stopped by to eat. "

"So,what kind of restaurant was this?"

"A place to eat that was suitable for students to just sit and chat for a long time since it was inexpensive. However the food mostly sold was thai foods such as stir fried basil and fried foods. "

Plawan listened with great interest.

"At that time chef Aob was not yet famous. I mean widely, but among students he was very popular. When I was younger, Chef Aob was even more handsome. The restaurant would be full of customers whenever Chef Aob came out to serve and receive customers such that those who already had seats would refuse to leave and would stay here until the restaurant closes. "Kluea joked

"So, how did this restaurant turn into a fine dining restaurant."asked the young man.

The owner of the round box glasses was silent as if he was thinking before before answering. He turned around. Plawan listened attentively because it seemed that he was gradually getting to know someone named Aob Uea in a way he had never known before. He didn't know why, but he really wanted to know sincerely.

"I really don't know the details." This time, Kluea looked very hesitant. "After I graduated I went to study in Switzerland."

"Shia, you are a foreign student. Damn it!"

Initially, Plawan was very excited to know about Chef Aob. Once he found out about Kluea studying abroad, it made him tremble with sparkling eyes.

"Well, I studied outside but it was more like learning while working. During my one year study, I wanted to gain more experience,  so I worked part time in restaurant. Besides the cost of living was also expensive,so I had to cook myself. All this time, I always wanted to be a serious chef so when I came back I decided to give it a try."

"Wow, cool." He said in amazement.

"Back to the story. When I came back here, the restaurant was closed for renovations. People around here said that this restaurant was almost bankrupt because it was trapped in a bank mortgage." Kluea said in a low voice. "I don't know if it's true or not, but people around here told me so. Because I couldn't eat at this restaurant, I looked for a nearby restaurant to eat and asked. Then, they told me the same thing."

Plawan actually wanted to say the information Kluea got was true from a guaranteed source. But he could only nod sadly and keep quiet about it. If he let it slip, it would be all over. He would probably die molested by chef.

"During that time, chef Aob was already famous. When I came back, he went on some shows here and there. After that, the restaurant was changed to Fine Dining. Because Chef Aob was already famous, it wasn't difficult to find customers. And at that time there was an announcement made looking for an assistant chef. Because I like this restaurant, I applied and now I've been working here for about two years. When chef said that he would create a competition looking for a a successor, I also applied to be a candidate. "

Plawan thinks he is suitable to be the successor, especially since Kluea has a long history with this restaurant and Plawan doesn't know how to win over him. In fact, to stir fry the basil until the pork was cooked, he still didn't know how to do it.

"I've received some bad news. "

Kluea continued to speak with a hint of uncertainity. His ears immediately perked up as his curiosity went to work.

'You know about Chef Aob dark side, right? Tell me, friend.'


He whispered, his eyes fluttering. Kluea turned around to look at him and acted as if he wanted to hold back his laughter.

"You see there is an empty land around the restaurant that is fenced off."

"Yes."Plawan answered.

"There is a company that wants to buy land to build condominiums. Most of this area has already been bought. There is only one plot of land left. "

Eh, why does it feel familiar.

"Whatever price the other party offers, chef Aob doesn't care and refuses to sell it. I think that's because if he sells it, then this restaurant will be destroyed. That's why chef is doing this competition looking for someone to inherit this restaurant. But I think the other party knows about this so...."


"There must be a traitor among us. I think someone must have been sent to compete for the position of chef in this restaurant then sell it to that company. "

Kluea spoke with determination as if he wanted to succeed in protecting this restaurant from the hands of evil people. On the contrary, the more Plawan listened, the more unreadable his expression became.

I am the traitor, I am the villain in this, story.

THIS LOVE DOESN'T HAVE LONG BEANS(ENG) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora