Chapter 13

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It was past dinner time when he returned to the restaurant.

Initially, he thought he would be able to complete the task no later than 9:30pm. But when it came to actually purchasing the items, there were some items he couldn't find in the store. When he called back the person who ordered it, he was instructed to buy it at a nearby fish market. In total, he went to three places before getting all the necessary items.

When he returned, he found Chef Aob alone in his office.

Everyone had gone up to their respective rooms. Plawan followed the man obediently to store his things in the kitchen. He didn't seem to be in a rush to need all this ingredients. In fact, it looked like he could go out to buy it tomorrow afternoon. In the end, he could only complain about it in his heart. Otherwise,he will have points deducted and will be fired from the restaurant if he makes a scene.

"How's your wrist. "

Of course it hurts! You asked me to bring bags of flour that weigh one kilo each. For God's sake, I'm human not Superman. I'm not strong and my bones are not made of steel.

"Much better, chef. It should be fine. "

Another lie. It seemed that  tonight, he would have to pray for a new vow. While speaking his mind, he didn't realize that everything was unusually quiet until he turned around and saw chef Aob looking at him as if he had turned into a lie detector.

"Wash the pot."he said, nodding his head towards the large soup pot that sat on one side of the kitchen which was sparkling clean. It has been washed over and over again. It's a waste of water and not environmental friendly.


He knew that chef was probably testing whether his wrist was truly healed or not. If he feels pain while washing, will he be fired? Plawan swallowed hard and went to the sink feeling depressed. As far as a he could remember, he had never been alone with Chef Aob in all this time? Will he die from suffocation?

Plawan carried the large pot with both hands.

He calmed himself down and tried to exert strength using both hands, and tried not to do anything with one hand that put extra pressure on his right wrist. When he put it in the sink, he turned on the water and rubbed it all over. He felt a tingling sensation at the back of his neck as he knew someone was watching. He squeezed out some dishwashing liquid, then scrubbed, scrubbed and scrubbed.

"Your wrist will hurt if you do that. " complained a voice with dissatisfaction.

The man approached him with a cruel and murderous aura but if you look closely there seems to be warmth radiating out, like a kind hearted old uncle on TV.


"You are rotating your wrist too much. When you wash try to use your wrist less and move your entire arm instead. Understand? Now, your arm is at rest and you are rotating your wrist. Instead, you should keep your wrist still and just move your arm. "
complained chef Aob.

Plawan nodded and tried changing his washing and scrubbing position, but it's still didn't seem to satisfy him. Chef then rolled his sleeve up to his elbows.

"Please allow me. "


Chef Aob reached out and pretended to grab his wrists,but then stopped. This time, he didn't feel the pain like before when the chef had held his hand. He reassured himself that it was just a touch on the hand. When he was a swimsuit model, he had to rub some oil all over his body to take pictures or his muscles could be seen clearly.

"Try washing it."said chef Aob while gently grasping the young man's wrist. He didn't apply much pressure but his finger hooked the forearm and palm preventing the wrist from turning freely. The young man tried to move but it was difficult.

"It's stuck, chef. "

"Move your arm, not your wrist. "

Plawan tried to follow the instructions, moving his arms instead. He finally  realized that he can do it. It was as if his hands were attached to his arms, becoming one. He could move it to wherever he wanted just by moving his arm.

"Thank you, chef. "

The distance between the two of them was so close that it seemed as if all the sounds were so far away. The sound of water flowing from the tap, the clutter of movement from upstairs or even the sound of cars passing by on the street outside, it was as if everything had gone silent.

"You need to adjust your behavior if you really want to be the successor here. When you practice cooking, your arms and hands will work much harder than this. If you don't take care of them I don't think you'll be able to handle it. "

The young man nodded in agreement. Chef  Aob let go of his hand and walked to the other side of the kitchen. At first the young man stood still, unsure of what to do with the large pot that had still not been washed. But when he saw chef Aob turn  around and look at him, he immediately followed behind.

"Could you try cutting some onions for me. "

Do you really want to take me into an emotional scene?  That's why you made me chop onions? The young man debated jokingly in his mind but nodded and agreed obediently. He walked over to take an onion from the refrigerator,peeled it and cut it into square cubes, just like Kluea had taught him. Chef watched in silence as if he was playing a game of spot the difference in a game of Ping Pong.

"When cutting onions, the cutting board and knife must be wet. Water will help dissolve the substances in the onion so that they don't evaporate and get into your eyes and make you cry. Has anyone ever taught you this? "
"Understood, chef. "

Plawan immediately ran to wet the cutting board and knife and then rushed back to work. He was about to cut the onions when a voice was heard.

"Please allow me. "

"Yes chef."

Chef Aob gently reached out and grabbed the young man's wrist again. This time, his touch made the model more clumsy than he was when washing the large pot. The reason is, what he is a holding is a sharp knife, and the chef's hand that rests on it is large and heavy.

Plawan was helpless. With the chef's hand holding his wrist, he couldn't move his wrists. When he couldn't move his wrist, he couldn't cut. The atmosphere fell silent again, neither of them answered, waiting for the other to explain.

"Change the point of rotation from your wrists to your elbow."

Chef Aob said while gently pulling his arms and hands to move as he wished. The young man just pressed his hand to chop the onion. His arms were like robots, moving his entire arm wherever he went. He didn't know what to be excited about, whether his wrist wasn't sore or his eyes weren't watery.

"This way it will be slower, but it will save your wrists. But if you make it a habit, you'll be able to do everything faster. " he nodded in agreement." You don't need to rush. This is fine dining. We have time to focus on your wrist movements. Get your body used to it. Once your body remembers it, everything will be automatic. "

Chef Aob let go of his hand. Plawan watched the movement of his hand until it met those calm and sharp eyes. His cold gaze turned into gentle warmth. The young man wasn't sure if he was just imagining things, but he felt like he was getting to know a side of Chef Aob that had never known before.

Is chef Aob this kind to others?

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