Chapter 12

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"After finishing your work, please meet me at the office. "

A short sentence from chef Aob that he uttered as we walked past each other on the path in front of the kitchen, was like kicking his life into a pitch black abyss.

Damn chef, have you forgotten that I have the morning shift today?

This means that Plawan should  finish working in the kitchen at 18:00 p.m. He had to welcome the guests and still had to prepare the necessities for tomorrow, because if he didn't prepare in the afternoon, he would have to work at the front of the shop to make up for it. But being called to meet him after work like this, this is too much chef.

"Yes, chef. "

There are ten of billions of words yet this is all that can be said. Plawan walks up and down to greet restaurant customers. The dream of running away and sipping a cold beer while looking at pretty girls is gone. Luckily, he hadn't asked JJ to come otherwise....he would have complained until his ears fell off.

"Welcome to our restaurant. This restaurant doesn't have yardlong beans. "

Plawan couldn't believe that a few days ago, he was the one standing in front of the restaurant as a customer and heard the same sentence from the restaurant staff. But today, he was the one who had to say those lines and greet the customers. He smiled, looked up and saw a man in front of him. The man looked handsome, clean skinned, with broad shoulders and muscular arms.

Why is his face so familiar?

"Oh, Plawan, how did you end up here. "

The young man stood for a moment. His brains seemed to have short- circuited.No matter how much he thought about it, Plawan didn't know who the person in front of him was and where he came from. But, he looked very familiar.

"We met at the fitness centre. Don't you remember me.

"Oh, sorry.....I hardly recognize you. What have you been up to? Why do you look more handsome. "

" I had a nose job. By the way, did you stop modelling. "

The customer who had just arrived chatted casually with him. He finally remembered that it was a friend he met at the gym back in the day. But recently, he moved to the gym where his condo was located, so he had disappeared from sight. The man then came closer and hugged his shoulders while laughing loudly.

"I'm here to do some special work. Am the chef's assistant. "

"So,what's it like to be the chef's assistant? Do you cook with him too? "

His friend said while laughing out loud. The young man just realized that he had to invite customers to their tables and introduce them to their dining experience. But it looks like it's not the time yet.


A familiar voice came from behind him making his entire body turn cold. The young man slowly turned around to see chef Aob who had a stonehenge doll like expression on his face.


"There are no ingredients in the kitchen. Can you go out and buy it for me? This is very urgent. I will ask chef Kluea to come out and serve the customers. "

The young male model was stunned and couldn't hold back. As for the person who was hugging his neck, he lowered his hands in confusion. Chef Aob handed him a piece of paper. Inside was a list of various kitchen utensils and spices. Plawan looked down as if he had no choice, Kluea appeared from behind him, sending him a signal that he would take care of the customers himself.

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