Chapter 16

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JJ looked at the person in front of him with concern.

Even though they had just had a heated argument less than 5 minutes ago, when he saw the patient before him, all the grudges and gloomy mood vanished. Only the thoughts of a medical professional remained, and he knew that the patient in front of him must be seen by a doctor as soon as possible.

Methas most likely had a stroke.

The obvious symptom is hemiparesis(hemiplegic weakness.),
the person in front of him cannot lift the corner of his mouth or move anything on the right side of his face. While waiting for the ambulance, the young  physiotherapist tried to get Methas to try saying the word 'hello' but it didn't come out as a word. His tongue must be half paralyzed too.

"The ambulance has arrived. "

Plawan turned around to say. JJ nodded in response. After a while, two emergency personnel rushed in. The crowd slowly parted and JJ let out a sigh of relief.

"Are there any organs affected or seriously injured. "

The emergency department asked. He immediately answered that there was none. Methas slowly collapsed to the ground, more like someone who was exhausted than someone who had been hit hard. There is no need to worry about serious impacts.

"Does the patient have any relatives?"

The two men rushed in to support the weak Methas who couldn't stand on his own, before slowly supportinghis head and body and preparing to carry him out of the bar. This was a basement and it was inconvenient to carry him in the bed stretcher because the stairs down were narrow.

"I will come with you. "

JJ answered. He didn't know why, maybe because when he looked around, every employee was hesitant. The attitude of this young and energetic businessman was not really liked by his employees. For some reason, helping others is his profession so he answered,

"Let's go. "

He turned his best friend to say that he could go alone, but Plawan packed everything neatly and encouraged him to follow the emergency department without hesitation. He handed  him his personal belonging that he had left on the table before they walked out of the bar.

JJ and Plawan sat together in front of the ambulance.

Behind was Methas, who looked half asleep and half awake, and didn't know anything else. But probably there's nothing to worry about anymore. Cerebral hemorage is a serious disease but if it's can be treated within three hours the chances of complete recovery are very high. There's almost nothing to worry about. Just wait for the doctor to inject blood clotting removing medication and wait for recovery.

"Coffee? "

Plawan asked as they separated and sat in a corner not too far from the emergency room. The hospital where the ambulance took them was the closest private hospital to the bar in question. It should have standard  care that suits Methas's lifestyle.

"No, thankyou. "

His muscle crazed friend went to buy coffee from the small beverage station in the hospital while he just sat there staring blankly at the emergency room door. It occurred to him that he should have brought Methas's cellphone with him incase he needed to contact his relatives. But on second thought, even if he had the device, it might still have a password. If the owner hasn't set an emergency number, it will be useless.

"What's wrong with him? "

Plawan sat back and asked that question. JJ then explained that a stroke occurs when something blocks a blood vessel in the brain. Often it is a blood clot. When it blocks the brain, part of the brain has no blood, and the body cannot function. This causes symptoms such as hemiparesis.

"Is this serious?" Plawan asked further.

He explained that even though the disease is serious, if it is treated quickly and the blockage is resolved quickly, the brain will get blood again, and the chances of a complete recovery are very high. However, some people may need additional physical therapy. He knew this disease well because he had treated many patients suffering from it.

"So he will immediately get angry again and yell at you."

Plawan said with a casual smile. JJ then shook his head.

"The reason I scolded Mr.Methas is because I wanted to protect you from being easily bullied? Haven't you realized that yet?" Plawan is always relaxed about everything, doesn't think much, and does whatever he wants. Sometimes JJ wished he could be half as carefree as he was.


"I'll be the one to scold you then," he grumbled.

"What did I do wrong?"

"There are lots of bars. Why then did you take me to meet that angry person? I don't want to drink beer anymore."

"Well, it's you, isn't it? Why  were you arguing with him? Let him say whatever he wants. He'll get bored and eventually stop talking. Why bother arguing with him?"

Plawan said while shrugging his shoulders casually. Doesn't he ever get angry or annoyed when someone bothers him? He wanted to punch him in the face and see if he was angry.

"Well, I won't talk to people like that anymore!"

"Why don't you call and ask the chef for a day off. You probably won't be back tonight. It's already past 9 pm. I think it will be a while before Khun Methas wakes up and I don't know where to contact his family." He moved to pick up his phone.

"Go home. I'll take care of it. Tomorrow I'm on afternoon shift."

"No need. I will stay here to accompany you."

"Are you going to take the first ten days off? I doubt Chef Aob will give you the restaurant after that"

Plawan hesitated. Well, he's only been working for a week and has already asked for leave. Even though it is an emergency, it still doesn't look good. This is no ordinary job either; it was a training to take over the restaurant. The other person stammered until he had to repeat that it was okay.

"Go, I'll stay, he'll be fine." he said. Plawan nodded.

"He should wake up in about three hours. I'll ask for his number and call his family. Then I can go home. You don't have to wait here with me. It will just be for a moment,I think" he said.

Finally,his best friend left. JJ stared back at the emergency room feeling empty, praying that everything would be okay. Even though he hated Methas, it wasn't enough to make him want to see someone else experience something like this before his eyes.

JJ knows that a stroke is a no laughing matter.

Even though they have received blood clot-busting medication, not everyone is guaranteed a complete recovery. There is a chance to recover, but not everyone can recover completely. Even if they immediately go to the doctor, some people will still be disabled for life or die. JJ stared at the closed ER door and prayed for Methas' luck.

'Good luck.'

He said a short prayer in his heart. There was nothing more he could give. He had done everything he could, as he should. All that remains is to let life take it's course.

'Please hold on, Khun Methas.'

THIS LOVE DOESN'T HAVE LONG BEANS(ENG) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant