Chapter 3|Too much work

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Chapter 3| Too much work.

"Here is your task. The boss wants it on his table today." A man said as he stumble countless of papers in Natan's desk.

"Today??" Natan spoke in shock as he look at the papers on his desk.

"That's what the boss says. Now do your job." The man said as he walked away leaving Natan dumbfounded on the amount of work he has to do.

Its only been a week since he started working here and he's already given countless of works every single day. He's mostly working overtime due to the unfair deadline he has been given to finish his works. This new job of him is truly draining the sh!t out of him.

As Natan started examining the papers, Xander walked up to him and was shocked too by the huge pile of papers on Natan's desk.

"Damn, it seems like the boss is really challenging you huh?" Xander while looking at Natan who looked so serious while looking at some papers.

"Yeah. I guess its because I'm new and the boss wants to see how capable I am in working..." Natan replied as he started to type stuffs on his computer.

"From what I remember, I wasnt given that much works when I started working here. Something fishy is happening to you" Xander said as he rub the back of his head

"Its probably just a test. I'll be fine. You should do your work too..." Natan replied

"Oh yeah sure. Goodluck bud, call me when you need some help." Xander said as he walked away leaving Natan do his work while wondering why he is given this too much job. He's just a beginner.

*Time skip*

Its already lunch time yet Natan continued to stare at the computer typing whatever he thinks is connected to his work.

Xander saw how serious Natan is while working as he was on his way to eat lunch so he decided to walk up to him.

"Hey dude, you can stop for a while and take some lunch. You're overworking yourself." Xander spoke with a hint of concern in his voice

"I'll eat later. I need to finish this so I can go home early." Natan replied not bothering to look at Xander as he continued working.

"Ok then. Whatever you say Natan" Xander said as he walked away in defeat leaving Natan seriously working on his assigned tasks.

*??? Pov*

"Uhm Sir... May I know why you assigned too much work on our new employee? He's just a beginner and-" Aly was cutted off with the white haired man strict voice.

"Its none of your business." The man said as he continued to smoke his cigar.

"Besides, I just want to see his capabilities." The man smirked as he said this.

Aly just signed in defeat as she wondered why her boss seems so interested with their new employee.

*Back at Natan's Pov*

Its been hours yet I'm still stuck here in my sit with half of my work done. I signed in tiredness as all of my coworkers get ready to go home.

Why is he given this too much work?

As Natan continued working, Xander tapped his shoulder making Natan stop for a while and look at him

"Wont you get ready to go home?" Xander asked in a worried voice

"No. I'll just finish this. Its almost done anyways." Natan spoke as he pressed his nose

"Are you sure bud? Everyone is about to go home now." Xander replied trying to convince him

"Yeah,I'm sure. You can go home now."
Natan said making Xander sign knowing there's no chance to convince him.

"If you say so then. Be careful on your way home later Natan. I'll get going now."
Xander said as he started to walk away leaving Natan completely alone with a bunch of paper in side.

Some hours passed and its already 10 pm. Natan signed in relief as he finally finished all his paperworks. He just need to pass this to his boss office before he can go home.

Natan then soon stood up with a huge pile of papers on his hand as he made his way towards the CEO's office. He felt an eerie feeling as if he's getting watched but he let that slide as he knew he's probably just tired from sitting and staring at the computer screen the whole day.

After a few minutes of walking, he finally reached the office and he knocked carefully and spoke

"Uhm... Sir... I'm finished with all the works now... Can I come in?" Natan spoke hoping to get an answer yet after a minute of standing infront of the huge door, he got no answer.

With Natan's desperation to go home, he decided to just enter the office and place the papers on the boss table.

"I'll go in Sir..." Natan spoke even though he knows nobody will answer him.

He opened the door and looked around. The office did seem so elegant so he cant helped but be mesmerized by the sight for a while.

Natan snapped out his thoughts as he remembered why he went here. With that, he signed and walked towards the boss's table but he heard the door behind him open and close the moment he look behind.

"Who's there?" Natan spoke as he tried to act brave.

As he got no response, Natan gulped in fear as he started to sweat while putting the papers in his boss's table. Just after he placed his paperworks in order, he froze in place as he heard a familiar voice behind him that he haven't heard for so long...

The same voice he wished to never hear again...

"Good to see you again, my dear."

(I'm trying my best to be active(ToT) )

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