Chapter 4|The past

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In a small 2-story house far away from the loud noises of the city, the sweet aroma of steak being cooked roamed around the house.

A white ice cream headed man can be seen cooking dinner in the kitchen while humming some sort of tone but he then suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist.

"Hmm Natan... Watchu cooking darling?" The man behind him asked in a sleepy tone as he rest his head on his shoulder.

"Oh Aamon, you're finally awake.." Natan said softly as he continued cooking.

"I'm just cooking our dinner by the way." Natan said with a small smile on his face.

The sleepy man on his shoulder moved his closer to his neck then spoke,
"You're cute... I'm so lucky to have you..."
The man spoke as he nuzzled on his neck making the other giggle.

"That tickles you know..." Natan said softly while giggling

"I love you so much, I don't want to lose you..." The taller man said as he tighten his grip on the others waist.

This sweet words makes Natan's heart beat faster as he his smile widen and said,
"Don't worry, I promise I'll never leave you..." Natan spoke reassuringly.

"Promise?" The other asked just to make sure.

"I promise."


Such sweet words and promises exchanged by each other right? How true are those words tho?


An old man in a black suit yelled at Aamon repeatedly.

"YOU DONT UNDERSTAND!! I LOVE HIM!! HE LOVED ME MORE THAN YOU EVER LOVED ME-" Aamon yelled back but was cutted off by his fathers slap.

Her mother on the other side, tried to calm down his raging husband from hurting his eldest son...

"I'll make you choose Aamon Paxley. Its either us, YOUR FAMILY. Or that guy."
His father said in a serious tone making both Aamon and his mother shock.

"H-honey.. Isn't that way too far? Why don't we-" His mother tried to change his fathers mind but was cutted off by his father.

"NO. HE'LL CHOOSE BETWEEN US OR HIM." His father said angrily.

"I'll give you a week Aamon. Think about it carefully." His father spoke as he finally turned around and left while his mother followed behind still trying to calm him down leaving Aamon in shock and despair.

They're all not aware that the ice cream headed man was listening just behind the door.....

"Natan please! Lets talk about this I beg you!!" Aamon begged the other as he kneel down on his knees.

"Please Natan I love you! I love you so much... I cant live without you!!" Aamon said with tears in his eyes looking so vulnerable.

"Just accept that I've already lost feelings for you Aamon! I don't love you anymore!!" Natan yelled back as he continued to walk towards the front door 
not bothering to look back at the other who's crying and begging.

"What did I do wrong baby? Where did it all went wrong for you? Please lets talk about this sweetie... Please I beg you...!!"
The other continued to beg as he tried to pull Natan back to him.

Natan just yanked his arms off and yelled again,
"ITS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!! JUST MOVE ON GODDAMNIT!! I HATE YOU!! I HATE YOU SO MUCHHH!!!" Natan yelled loudly as he proceed to walk out and close the door loudly leaving Aamon completely broken with tears running on his eyes and cheeks.


"I'm sorry Aamon but you gotta choose your family first... Its for the better..."


The huge doors of the mansion opened up revealing a cloaked man who's completely wet by the rain.

"So, have you made you're decision my son?" The old man spoke while the woman beside him looked concerned and worried.

"Yes Father." The cloaked man said in a serious tone.

"That's great to know Aamon. I knew you would never choose that guy over us. I mean, there's a lot of other men who looked so much better that him anyways." The old man said as he laugh.

"Now come over here and we'll have some talk."
The man said as he gestured the cloaked man to come closer to them. Aamon just simply obeyed and walk infront of him.

(The next chapter will be back in the present (≧∇≦)/ )

A love, so deep (Aamon x Natan Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now