Voice in My Head

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[A few hours later, Ruby woke up, looking hung over and confused.]

RUBY: what happened yesterday..? [She walked over to where Pencil would've been, in the drivers seat, only to find nobody there.]

RUBY: Pencil? [She peered through the windows, seeing Pencil's corpse out the door window. She bolted through the door, and began bawling.]

[Ruby looked down at the ground, spotting Pencil's corpse.]

[?: Did you enjoy doing that?]

RUBY: wh- [Ruby stumbled back, not only from seeing Pencil's corpse but also the unknown voice. It didn't sound like the voice of anyone she knew. It definitely wasn't Leafy, her voice was a higher pitch.. ]

[?: I asked if you enjoyed that. Killing Pencil.]

RUBY: What?! I didn't kill her! It wasn't me!

[?: You just don't remember it. Say, how did you feel when you were on that sugar?]

RUBY: I- I.. I felt.. Happy.. But what does that have to do with any of this..?!

[?: Hmmm, nothinngggg.]

[Ruby fell to her knees, shaking Pencil's body desperately despite Pencil being quite obviously dead..]

[Had she really done that? Ruby didn't want to believe the voice, and it barely added up to her, but she felt as if she was the only culprit... All the other members were asleep, they wouldn't know anything happened.. Ruby dragged the pieces of Pencil away, choking her tears. If she was seen by any of the other members or residents it wouldn't be too pretty for her.]

RUBY: come on..! [She hurled the body into the canal, staring at her reflection in the water..]

i don't have any ideas anymore i should probably like uhhh learn pacing before i continue

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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