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"Stop!" I heard someone yell behind me. I immediately froze on my tracks. I have no idea whats going on but I noticed that the dog also stopped barking. I slowly turn my head around to check if the dog is still chasing me but instead, I saw a woman with two brown eyes staring at me like she can see my soul. Her eyes are heavenly. They glow as the sun beams cascade through the window.  She got a beautiful long brown hair that curls at the tip. The kind of hair every woman on this planet would die for. Her nose was perfectly proportioned with her face. Like how is that even possible? As my eyes wonder on her face, it drifted to her lips. Her lips are so full and puffy. Its like enchanting you to kiss it. Everything about her screams beauty like Aphrodite blessed her herself and shimmer her with everything shes got in her arsenal. I watched as her eyes gradually deviate towards the dog.

"Sit!" I absentmindedly  followed what she said but hesitated halfway through.

"Me or the dog?" I asked still in dazed.

She looked into my eyes again and slowly walked towards me with a smile slightly creeping on her lips. As she gets closer, I got lost in her eyes,  glimmering under the shade of light with a hint of playfulness. They look familiar but I can't pin out why. It felt like I've seen these set of beautiful almond brown eyes before but can't remember where.

She leaned towards my ears and whispered
"The dog of course, you silly."

The feel of her warm breath over my skin sent shivers into my spine. Her face is so close to mine that I can smell her perfume. Coffee and Vanilla. That is how she smells like and its so intoxicating. Her being this close just made me even more nervous in her presence.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Ye-Yeah.. I'm o-okay. Thank you." Why am I staggering? Don't ask me. I don't know either.

"You must be the Architect. Right?"

"Ye-yes uh.. hi. I'm architect Rachel Silva. Its a pleasure to meet you." She stares at me for a while as if waiting for something else.

"I'm Kismet Castillion but just call me Kizzy.. and the pleasure is mine."

Now that she's standing right in front of me I realized that I'm a few inches taller than her. Even then, she still intimidates me. Her whole being is oozing with confidence.

"And you are?" I followed her gaze and just realize that Jae is standing beside me already. I completely forgot about him.

"I'm Jaeson Rivera, the interior designer."

"Ahh its nice to meet you. She extended her hand to Jae and briefly shook his hand.

"Likewise" he said smiling brightly.

I looked at him and wonder how come he's not affected by her presence? Why am I the only one having an emotional turmoil? She walked over to the dog and pat its head. Jae took this opportunity to get a little closer to me and whispered. 

"Way to embarrassed yourself."

"Shut up! I was about to be dogs lunch and you didn't even help me!" I said in between my teeth.

"I'm sorry about the dog. This is Mr. Bagel. He doesn't mean to scare you guys. Its just that he's not used to seeing new faces around here. He probably got too excited thats all. But don't worry he's just a fluffy ball of fur." She explained.

"Uhh.. huh.. sure." I said absentmindedly.

She looked at me again and I think the air in my lungs got sucked out or something.

"Are you scared of dogs?" She asked lifting her lips to a slight smile.

"Uhm.. no? But gigantic dogs.. yes? Maybe?" I don't know how to recover. I seem to talk like a preschooler.

Before she can speak again, Charlie and Alice appeared through the balcony doors.

"Ahh! Ar. Rachel and Mr. Jaeson! Sorry for the wait. We were at the beach when you arrived. I see you guys met our daughter, Kizzy." Charlie beams as he entered the door.

I'd loved to actually go to them and greet them properly but Mr. Bagel is currently in between us and still probably have some grudge on me for interrupting his siesta time so I hesitated. Alice must have caught on my nervousness towards Mr. Bagel.

"Bagel, go play outside." The dog immediately stood up and went outside. "I know he looks intimidating but I promise you he won't bite." Mrs. Castillion reassured me. I kind of let out a breathe in relief.

"You have a beautiful house Mr. And Mrs. Castillion." I shook their hands and Jae stood right beside me.

"Thank you and please just call me Charlie and her Alice. We are the ones who should thank you for meeting us here. It must have been a long drive."

"Don't worry about it Mr. and Mrs. Castillion. With this view, its so worth it." I'm still a bit shy to call them by their names since its only our second meeting.

"Thank you again for choosing us. We are very excited for this project too and of course, to work with Kizzy." Jae said as he makes animated hand gestures. He's probably still in cloud nine from all the creative juice currently swirling in his head.

"Alright! How about we start the tour?" Alice suggested.  Jae and I started bobbing our heads up and down like a toddler on a field trip.

Charlie and Alice lead the way and Jae followed them like a dog on a leash. Meanwhile there's me walking side by side with Kizzy at the back. Jae talks excitedly with them and start pitching his ideas every time he got the chance. I on the other hand just nod and smile. I occasionally comment in some technical things we might have to look into or something that  might greatly affect the over all design but mostly I just stay quiet and just let Jae do his magic. This is more like his forte.

"You seem to be awfully quiet. Are you usually this quiet or was it because of Mr. Bagel?"

Kizzy said turning her head sideways. I felt her eyes on me and got really shy so I didn't look at her when I said

"Hmm? I.. uhh..its nothing. I just have a lot things going in my mind right now but don't worry. Jae is the one who actually handles this stuff. He handles mostly the marketing dept and I'm mostly concern on operations."

"I see.." she said. "How do you like the tour so far?" She asked. I catch a glimpse of her and damn shes still looking at me. If her stares can burn, I'd be like a melted ice cream right now.

"Hmm.. aside from the design of the house, I like how it makes me feel. There are a lot of beautiful houses but feels empty. But this.. your house.. It feels warm. It feels like a home more than just a house. If that even makes sense." I said elaborately.

"I totally get it. This house holds a lot of beautiful memories. Maybe thats why it feels warm."  She said.

"Is that what you envisioned how your boutique hotel would be?" 

"Yes. Warm and cozy. One where you can share and create memories and be with the people you love." She said sheepishly.

I didn't take her for someone this deep and sentimental. If you see her from a far like from when shes just walking casually on the streets you'd say that she probably have her feet above ground. Its evident that she had everything she wanted. People like that often stay out of touch but I guess I was wrong.

"Oh! Right. Now that we are on the topic why don't we visit the site itself?" She said excitedly. Yeah she definitely got her mom's energy.

"But what about the villa tour?"

"Don't worry about it. Its just my parents showing off." She said then extended her hand towards me as an invitation. "Come on." I gulped. I was just getting used to her presence and now I have to be alone with her. I can barely talk to her even with other people in the room, how much more if we are alone? And in a middle of this vast property?

When I didn't answer she took my hand and drag me out of the house.

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