Death Zappers : The lost legend of Ruby Rose

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Hi, I am Jeremiah McDermott and welcome to Death Zappers. Death Zappers is my horror series that I am writing. Throughout my whole life I always wanted to be a writer. I'm here to present to you my first book of the Death Zappers series but I wanna say a few things before the real story actually begins.

My parents barely had faith in me. What I mean is, my dad thought me writing these scary stories was just a mentally therapy for me. My mom told me I was living in a fantasy. They were not the best parents to have when it comes to my dreams. 

One reason why I like writing the Death Zappers book is because I can relate to the main character for one reason. Ever since I moved from California to South Carolina, I really never had any friends, okay, maybe just three,  and these main characters in the Death Zappers books are my friends. When I told my dad this, he told me that the characters in my stories are a bunch of prisoners and psychos. My main characters are nothing like that.

The reason why I can relate to Doris is when I was in middle school like she was, I used to stare at the sewer gate looking for killer clowns. There is one killer clown I want to name but I can't for copyright reasons. One of my friends thought I was weird. Well, screw him. If he thinks I'm weird then he is weird too. 

I have a Freepik account. Freepik has the best images ever, especially when you need scary book covers. I emailed Freepik asking them can I use your guys images for front covers for my book and back covers when my book actually gets published one day, and I got an email a few minutes later and they say yes as long as I make a shout out to them. I agreed and here we are. Present day.

My friend Jawad created the Death Zappers slogan for me. "The more that you read the more you feel surrounded by death". Thank you, Jawad. He's like my only true friend since I moved to South Carolina. Thank you, Jawad for being my friend.  

There's going to be 330 Death Zappers books. This is just the first one. 

Time for the real story to began.

Death Zappers

Book 1 

The lost legend of Ruby Rose

You see those three kids standing in front of an old abandoned flower shop right next to Betty middle school . Those two seventh graders and that one sixth grader. The one standing in the middle is me, Doris Seal. That one sixth grader standing on my left is my little brother, Clark Seal. That other seventh grader with the top hat on is my dorky best friend, Nicholas Buzzer. But all of Nicholas's friends and family call him Nick for short. 

There's an old legend to this flower shop after it came abandoned and old and run down. The legend is, this flower shop was the biggest flower shop here in all of South Carolina. The flower shop's name is "Ruby's flowers". Ruby's flowers were the best flower shop in history before the shop got abandoned. The place went out of business in the year 2019. The present year is 2024. How the shop got abandoned was the store owner, Ruby Rose. Ruby's best friend, Lila Sharp peer pressured Ruby for taking illegal drugs. Ruby turned down Lila like a billion times. But one day in the last five days in 2019, Ruby's flowers had a busy day. The store was making so much money. During half way through the day, Lila showed up and peer pressured Ruby but Ruby Rose wasn't having it. Ruby grabbed a pistol out of her pocket and shot Lila right in the middle of her forehead, causing a waterfall of blood landing on her face and down on all of her clothes. Ruby went to jail. She is spending the rest of her life in jail. She's going to die in jail. Her store went out of business. The place went abandoned. Almost every window is cracked. The paint is peeling off the walls. Some pieces of the ceiling are falling apart in a snap of a finger.  Some of the shelves that hold the flowers are breaking. That dead flower smell is so strong that all of the kids and teachers and the rest of the school staff can smell that dead flower smell in the middle school that they attend and work at. Betty middle school. That's the lost legend of Ruby Rose. The reason why the legend is lost is because nobody remembers this legend except for me and my little brother and my best friend.  

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