#Preference 4

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How you met:


You had to fetch him after he had ran out of the box, straight to the doors of the maze. You sighned before taking off after him. Quickly you had caught up to him. You dived towards him, taking him down to the ground with you. You had to sit on top of him so he wouldn't try to escape again. After a while the other Gladers had brought him to the Slammer, where you went, with Alby, to show him around the Glade.


The moment the box had reached the top you stood up. "Stupid box." You murmerd. The doors above you opend, letting the sun light shine into the box. Above you stood about ten faces. All boys. "Bloody hell, it's a girl." A boy with a British accent said. "Bloody hell indeed." I said. "Can somebody get me out of here?" You had asked. A rope was trown down and you climbed. You patted the invisble dirt away from your pants before taking a look around. You were in a bigger box. "Seems cool." You said before looking at the boys. "I'll lead you around." The boy with British accent said. "Sounds good Blondie." You said before following after him.


"We've got a runner!" A boy shouted excitedly. You ran as fast as your feat could carry you, accross the grass field. "She's heading for the Maze!" Another one shouted, this time distressed. You couldn't care less. You wanted to get out of here. Your feet hit the stone as you sprinted into the opening inbetween the walls. You ran down the corridor but much further didn't you come. You ran into a wall. Human wall. Infront of you was an Asian boy. An attractive one. "What are you doing here?" He asked, standing up. You didn't respond. You had to lose him in this 'maze'. You stood up, ready to make a dash, but you got stopped. "Sorry Girly, you're coming with me." He said. You huffed as he put you over his shoulder and brought you back to the grass filed.


You hid behind a box when the doors above you opend. You held a tight grip in the knife in your hands. "Where's the Greenie?" You heard someone ask. "Don't know." Another one answerd. "Gally, go fetch the Greenie." You heard a voice say. "With pleasure." A new voice said. You could almost hear the smirk. The boy, 'Gally', jumped down into the box, looking for you. Suddenly he saw your foot. "Found ya." He said coming closer. Your knuckels turned white as you gripped the knife even thighter. The moment Gally came into view, you jumped up and attacked. You cut his arm before distancing yourself from him. A few cusswords left his mouth as he looked at you. Anger prominent in his eyes. "You little Bitch." He said before his fist made contact with your temple. 

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