Thomas~ Decisions

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Warning:  Reader is depressed and wants to die badly

A shot of pain went through her body as the electric bomb exploded. WICKED had found the Right Arm. She was pushed into a line of others, next to Minho and Newt. "Where's Tommy?" Newt asked her in a whisper. She looked around, searching for the familiar face of her boyfriend. "Maybe he got away." She whisperd back. She hoped so at least. Thomas meant everything to her. 

"You got them?" Rat man, a.k.a. Janson, asked one of his guards. "Most of them." The guard answerd. "What do you mean?" Janson spoke. "Well, we lost a few." The guard said, no mercy found in his voice. Janson nodded before scanning the faces of all the people. "Where's Thomas?" He asked after not seeing the rebel. "Right here." Sounded. We turned to look at the direction from which the voice came from, meeting Thomas's form.

 "I'm going to bash my head into a wall." The girl mutterd, just loud enough for Minho to hear, to which he snickerd. "Thomas." Janson said before punching the boy in the gut. He was put into line next to Minho. "Why didn't you run?" Minho asked. "I'm tired of running." Thomas said. "Bring her in." They heard Janson say.

 A second berg landed. It opend, revealing a few guards that surrounded to woman behind it all. Ava Paige. "That woman has no style, it looks like the coat comes straight from a bin." Y/N whisperd to Minho. Minho had to hold in his laughter. She wasn't wrong tho. "You got all of them." The woman asked. "It'll be enough." Janson said. "Load them in." Paige demanded. "Aris! Sonya!" Harriet screamed as her two friends were pushed into the berg.

 "Thomas." Paige said, beckening to boy over. He got pulled up by guards. "Hello Thomas."  She said. Thomas didn't respond but simply glared at her. From the side Teresa appeard, next to her a soldier. "I'm glas you're save." Paige said, reaching out her hand for Teresa to grab. Y/N furrowed her eyebrows. The Gladers stood up and looked at Teresa, betrayal. "What the hell?" Fry mutterd. "Teresa?"

"Wait, what's going one?" Newt asked. Y/N wanted to strangle the girl. "It was you wasn't it, who betrayed us?" She spat. "She's with them." Thomas said. Y/N saw some kind of hurt look in his eyes, as if she had broken his heart and it did not sit well with her. 

"Since when?" Minho asked. "Oh, Teresa's always had an evolved appreciation od the greater good." Janson said from next to Paige. "Once we restored her memories, it was only a matter of time." He added. "You got your memories back and didn't even THINK about telling us?!" Y/N bit. Teresa didn't bat an eye at her, her eyes stayed on Thomas.

 "I'm sorry, this is the only way. We have to find a cure." She said, trying to defend herself. "Y/N calm down." Thomas whisperd. "Calm down? Calm down! This isn't a situation to calm down. That piece of shit betrayed us Tommy, wanting find a cure. People are dying for this stupid cure. Your own friends are dying." She said, the last part towards Teresa.

 "Teresa's right." Ava Paige butted in. "This is all just a meand to an end. You used to understand that Thomas." She said. "No matter what you think of me, I am not a monster. I'm a docter. I swore an oath to find a cure! No matter the cost. I just need more time." 

"More blood." Y/N snapped her head around. Mary had fought her way out of the grip of the guards and had stood up. "Hello Mary." Paige greeted her. "I hoped we'd meet again. I'm sorry it had to be under these circumstances." Paige said. "I'm sorry about a lot of things too." Mary said and slowly shook her. "But not this. At least my consience is clear." 

"So is mine." 

A gunshot rang. Mary's eyes widend as she looked down to her abondom where red blood was pooling around the gun shot wound. Mary fell to the ground and Vince immediatly rushed over. Y/N had a hand clasped over her mouth, eyes wide, she had grabbed Thomas's hand in the procces, but to her surprise he shook it off. 

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