#Preference 8

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Really, really sad. . .

You die in his arms:

Thomas: You got the Flare. It just happend. One day it wasn't there and the next day it was. It had broken Thomas that you had to go through the pain. You were far gone. There was almost no live left in you. And you both were so close. So close to freedom.

 You knew you were becoming a threat for those around you, but you still didn't want to give up on Minho. He was one of your best friends after all. Thomas was terrified. After you and the boys jumped out of the building things became worse. You almost weren't able the walk, or even stand straight. You knew the end was coming closer, so you accepted it. Thomas didn't. He wanted you with him. After everyting yous been through, he couldn't lose you know, so close to the finish line.

 When Gally and Minho left for the Serum, Newt and Thomas tried to get you into safety, but it was too late. You were fighting yourself in your mind. That was when you had enough. The Flare took over. You wanted blood. Murder. Killing.

 Thomas saw the shift in your eyes. You were slipping away by each second. He tried to stop you from attacking him and Newt but they didn't stand a chance. That's when your normal brain took over for a second and decided it was enough.

 You grabbed Thomas's knife and plunged it into your abandom. Thomas's eyes grew dubble it's size and he just managed to catch you before you fell. "Stay with me, stay we me baby, we're almost there, Minho and Gally are coming, you're going to be fine." He repeated over and over again.

 "It's okay Tommy, I'll say hi to Chuck for you." You whisperd, bringing up your hand to his fine. "It's okay." You repeated. Thomas burst out in tears as your hand fell limply to your side. 


Newt: The Scorch wasn't easy for Newt. It's where he lost you after all. You got bitten by a Crank. You were losing you mind. One day you decided it was enough. The day before you guys had lost Winston. Newt told you to keep going and that you were going to make it. He was, you weren't. You knew that. When you lashed out against Frypan you knew your time had come.

 "Guys, my time is up." You said. Newt shook his head, denying the truth. "I'm a burden, I'm keeping you guys up. I'm dangerous. This is where we split paths." You said. "We're not leaving you behind Y/N." Thomas said. "I told you this is where I leave you." You said, raising your voice as the Flare decided to nip on you brain. "No Love, you are not going anywhere." Newt said. 

"Why won't you listen to me!? It's only a matter of time before things get worse! I'm a goner! I'm already dead. I was from the moment that beast bit me." You yelled, having enough of people denying the truth.

 "Tomorrow morning, when you guys go to the mountains, I'll go the other way." You said. Newt shook his head layed down, ignoring the fact that he was going to lose you either way. 

You should've left the night before. When you woke up Y/N didn't excist anymore. The only thing left was a Crank, a full blown Crank. You had scared the shit out of Teresa when she woke up with with you hovering above her, no trace of human inside your eyes.

 Her shriek had woken up the others, who were just as terrified of you. Y/N was gone. Almost. There was this small, tiny, part of sense inside you what came out when your eyes met Newts. You knew it was over. So you asked the love of you live one simple thing. Or acctually not so simple.

 "Newtie, kill me." You asked. Thomas immediatly started saying that Newt shouldn't do it, but that only angerd you, so you had a Crank episode. Only this one wouldn't stop. The last piece of human had been crushed and only Crank had stayed.

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