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Eleora's pov

"Elly" master Neil called

I looked up from my sitting position and pointed a finger, silently asking for a few seconds

"In a minutes"

I scanned the last words and kept the book i was reading and finished stuffing the last piece of donut in my mouth, so unlady like i know, but its not like anyone's watching

"What's up dad?" He looked up and smiled,

"Can you get me a book about realms in the library? Its way behind so be careful, try not to knock anything or touch anything" he warned with a gentle smile on his face

"Sure thing" i strutted out of the leaving room and headed straight to the library, dad doesn't let me all the way here, i wonder why he trust me this time around, while i was lost in thought i knocked over some books

I cursed under my breath,a tome struck out to me, i felt compelled to open it, it was like it was calling to me, i looked back at the door and bit my lips, a glance wouldn't hurt right? Right!

As i opened the tome, the air around me grew thick with an eerie silence. The words within were written in a language i couldn't understand, but the images depicted a world in chaos - cities burning, oceans churning, and skies filled with winged creatures that struck fear into my heart. Suddenly, the pages began to turn on their own, revealing a passage highlighted in blood-red ink: "To unlock the secrets, speak the words of the ancient one..."

Fear struck me as i stared in awe, i contemplated calling for my master, but somehow i started making sense of the words, it was the devils tongue, the devil tongue was only known to oldest witches that drifted from the right part and decided to dabble in dark magic, unfortunately for them, they had unknowningly made a pact with the devil, the more they used dark magic the more he devours them from within, draining them completely until their last breath

As i spoke the words in my head, a chill ran down my spine. The air around me seemed to distort, and a low, ominous chuckle echoed through the library. The winged creatures from the illustrations began to take shape, their eyes glowing with an eerie light. I tried to step back, but my feet felt rooted to the spot. The tome slammed shut, and a voice whispered in my ear: "You have unleashed the darkness, Eleora. Now, you will be its vessel"

Fear tingled from my spine,it was getting hard for me to breath, i couldn't take my eyes off the ominous eyes of the winged creature, i wanted to run and hide, the voice chuckled " its no use little mage, accept your fate or perish " i stilled, trying to calm myself, this is all in my head, i chant, this isn't real, master wouldn't be happy i snooped around, i cursed under my breath

My vision began to blur, and the voice grew louder, more menacing. I felt an icy presence closing in around me, suffocating me. The winged creatures drew closer, their eyes burning with an otherworldly intensity. Suddenly, the library around me began to dissolve, and i found myself standing in a desolate, dark landscape. The voice boomed once more: "You will be the key to unlocking the gates of hell. Embrace your destiny, Eleora... or suffer eternal torment!"

I licked my lips and gulped, clutching my hand in a tight fight almost drawing blood in my palm, i felt a gust of air blow on my shoulder, i shuddered and closed my eyes accepting my fate, this is actually real

As i closed my eyes, a searing pain shot through my body, like a branding iron marking my soul. When i opened them again, my eyes had changed - they burned with an eerie, hellish light. The winged creatures bowed to me, their eyes gleaming with malevolent reverence. The voice spoke once more, its tone dripping with sinister triumph: "Welcome, Eleora, Queen of Shadows. Your reign of darkness begins now..."

I stared coldly at the winged creature, i felt a part of soul that was branded by the darkness slowly sipping through my veins "arise" i commanded with a shaky voice, i wanted to run and hide but i wouldn't, i was having a battle with myself but i had to play along for now

The winged creatures arose, their wings beating in unison, creating a whirlwind of darkness that swirled around me. I raised my hands. The creatures formed a circle around me, their eyes aglow with an otherworldly light, as if they were about to perform a dark ritual. The air grew thick with anticipation, and the voice whispered once more: "Unleash your power, Eleora.. let the shadows consume the world..."

I stepped back, clutching my chest, trying to resist the darkness, my breath was getting heavy, the creatures waiting for their master, i needed to get out of here, i can not succumb to the darkness, what will master think of me? The orphan he found at his doorstep whom he took as his own

With a surge of adrenaline, i turned and sprinted towards the library door, the creatures swooping down, their wings beating fiercely as they gave chase. I burst through the door, slamming it shut behind me, and leaned against it, panting. The voice laughed maniacally, echoing in my mind: "You can't escape your destiny, Eleora .. the darkness will always find you..." Suddenly, the door creaked open, and a dark tendril snaked out, beckoning me back...

"I never asked for this" i cried trying to kick the tendril, it hissed and wrapped itself around my legs making me drop to the floor, i hissed in pain, the darkness whispered in my ears "its alright my love, the world deserves to perish, you are meant to rule, their destruction is certain" no, i thought, biting my tongue to stop myself from crying

As the tendril tightened its grip, i felt a searing pain coursing through my legs. I screamed, but my voice was muffled by the darkness. The whispering grew louder, more urgent, tempting me with promises of power and revenge. The creatures outside the door began to chant, their voices a haunting melody that echoed through the library. My vision blurred, and i felt myself being dragged back into the darkness, the voice whispering sweet nothings in my ear: "Embrace your true self, Eleora ... let the shadows consume you..."

" i-i can't " i whispered, tears streaming down my face

The voice laughed, a cold, mirthless sound that sent shivers down my spine. "You can't resist, my love," it whispered. "You're mine now. Forevermore." The tendril tightened its grip, and i felt myself being pulled back into the darkness. I screamed, but my voice was drowned out by the chanting of the creatures outside. Just as all hope seemed lost, a faint light flickered in the distance...

I stared at the faint light, gulping, i wanted to scream to it for help but my voice got stuck, my heart was beating rapidly, drawing me close to the mysterious light

As i gazed at the light, it grew brighter, illuminating the dark tendrils that bound me . The creatures' chanting faltered, and the voice's hold on me weakened. With a surge of hope, i summoned the last ounce of strength and reached out towards the light. It enveloped my hand, warm and comforting, and i felt a gentle voice whispering in my mind: "Eleora I've come for you. Hold on..." The darkness howled in rage as the light began to dispel its hold on me...

"You're alright my love" the man cooed cupping my cheeks,i was caught in a trance by his mesmerising grey eyes,and his insanely beautiful face,my legs felts limp in his embrace and his eyes, God his eyes were beautiful

As i gazed into his grey eyes, i felt a sense of calm wash over me. The darkness receded, its hold on me broken. The man's eyes seemed to see right through me, yet they held a deep kindness and understanding. He smiled, and his lips curled up in a gentle, comforting smile. "You're safe now, Eleora ," he whispered, his voice like a soothing balm to my soul. "I've come to free you from the shadows." And with that, he leaned in, his lips brushing against hers in a soft, gentle kiss...

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