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I looked up at him with beady eyes, my lips trembling, Kael growled and hugged me tighter, i fisted his shirt in my hands not wanting to let go, i was afraid the moment he leaves the darkness will consume me

" you promise?" I asked still gazing at him through my wet lashes, he smiled,not big enough but the corner of his eyes creased a bit 

"i promise princess" he caresses my cheeks brushing the tears with his tumb, his leaned down and kissed both my cheeks then my eyes, i squealed and hid my face in his chest, he chuckled, his chest vibrating from the sound, i found myself smiling almost forgetting the trouble i got myself in

After few moments of silence,i looked up,Kael's smile was gentle, his eyes burning with a soft fire. "I promise, princess. I'll always be here to protect you, to guide you through the shadows. You're not alone in this Eleora. We'll face whatever comes together, as mates." His words were a soft whisper, his breath caressing my skin. He leaned in, his lips brushing against mine in a gentle, reassuring kiss. My eyes fluttered closed, my grip on his shirt tightening as i savored the warmth of his embrace. For a moment, the darkness receded, and all that remained was the promise of hope and protection in Kael's arms.

"I want to go back Kael" i sniffed still holding unto him for dare life, afraid he might disappear if i lets go, i never thought of having a mate, i thought it was impossible "alright princess" he kissed my head and sighed, his brows flopping downwards as if he was thinking

Kael's sighed again but this time it was deep, his chest rumbling beneath my grasp. "Alright, princess. We'll go to your home, but know that my realm will always be yours, too." He gently disentangled himself from my hold, his eyes never leaving mine.

"You're my mate, Eleora. My queen. And together, we'll rule over the shadows and fire, bringing balance to the worlds." His words were laced with a newfound sense of purpose, his gaze burning with a fierce protectiveness. "Let's go home, my love. We have a new future to build, together."

"I don't really have a home, i stay with my master" i pulled away avoiding his gaze, i was an orphan, found at the doorstep of my Masters home when i was barely a week old, that was the story i was told.

Kael's expression softened, his eyes filling with compassion. "Ah, little one," he whispered, his voice gentle. "You have a home now, with me. I'll be your Master, your protector, and your mate." He reached out, his fingers tracing my cheek. "You're not alone, Elly. You never were. And I'll make sure you never feel abandoned again." His words were a warm embrace, enveloping me in a sense of belonging. "We'll build a new life together, one where you're loved, cherished, and safe."

"What really are you Kael?" I asked, he sighned and pulled me back into his chest, my face i was certain resembled a beet fruit at the moment, such an intimate moment was new to me, kael smirked obviously loving how i squirm in his hold

"I am the King of Shadows and Fire, little one," Kael whispered, his breath dancing across my ear. "A being of darkness and light, forged in the depths of the underworld." His arms tightened around me, his hold possessive yet gentle. "And you, my mate, are the key to unlocking my true power." His smirk grew, his eyes gleaming with a knowing light. "You're the spark that sets my soul ablaze, Elera. And together, we'll ignite a fire that will change the course of history."

" oh" was all i managed to say

Kael's chuckle was low and husky, his chest vibrating against her cheek. "Indeed, little one," he whispered, his breath caressing my skin. "You are the missing piece I've searched for centuries to find. And now that I have you, I'll never let you go." His arms tightened, his hold becoming almost possessive. "You're mine, Eleora. My mate, my queen, my everything."

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