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I stood there,frozen in shock,i spent half of my life training to become a mage i had no time for boys, i had no idea what to do, i had never been kissed before, nonetheless by a greekgod, my knees weakened, his snakes his hand around my waist to steady me, a sly grin forming on his lips

the man's grin grew wider. He seemed to enjoy my bewilderment, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Don't worry, little mage," he whispered, his breath tickling my ear, i shuddered. "I won't bite... hard." His hand tightened around my waist, pulling me  closer. My heart raced, my mind reeling with confusion. Who was this man? And why did his touch make me feel special?

"Who are you?" I finally found my voice, it was rough and meek but with the way his ear twitched, i knew he hard, my heart was beating violently trying to process what was happening,who he was and where he came from, he pulled me close inhaling my scent, i shuddered, i can't believe i just had my first kiss, and it felt out of this world

"Ah, my little mage," he whispered, his breath dancing across my skin. "I am Kael, king of the Shadows. And you,Eleora, are a surprise I hadn't expected." His eyes gleamed with intrigue, his gaze roaming over my face as if searching for secrets.i flushed from the intensitt of his gaze

"Your scent is like nothing I've ever smelled before... a mix of magic and innocence." His voice was low and husky, sending shivers down my spine. "Tell me,Eleora, what makes you so special?"

I pressed my palms on his chest trying to free myself from his grasp,he growled he pulled me close, so close i was flushed against him, i shook my head
"this makes no sense" he hummed
" i don't have a mate, i can't have a mate" i tried to free my self again

Kael's grip only tightened, his eyes burning with an inner fire. "Ah, but you do, little mage," he whispered, his voice low and husky. "You're mine, whether you like it or not." His words sent a shiver down my spine as he leaned in, his lips brushing against my ear. "And I'll make sure you remember it." My struggles only seemed to excite him, his chest rumbling with a low growl. I felt a strange sensation wash over me, as if my magic was responding to his presence.

I looked up at him and found him staring at me with a look i couldn't decipher,i gulped "how will you do that?" I looked down, the intensity of his eyes was too much i couldn't maintain eye contact

"and who are you really? How did you get here?"

Kael's chuckle was low and husky, sending shivers down my spine. "Oh, little mage, you'll find out soon enough," he whispered, his breath dancing across my skin. "As for who I am... I'm the one who's been watching you from the shadows. The one who's been waiting for you to awaken." His words were laced with an otherworldly intensity, making my heart race. "And as for how I got here... let's just say I have my ways." His gaze never left mine, even when i looked away, his eyes burning with an unspoken promise

I sighed, exhaustion washing over me " can you let go please?" I couldn't contain that much emotions i was feeling, it was almost unbearable, and his hold on me was sending shivers down my spine and the feeling of unfamiliar sparks raked throughout my body

His gaze softened, his eyes gleaming with a hint of understanding. "Ah, little mage," he whispered, his voice gentle, "I'll let go... for now." His arms relaxed, releasing me from his grasp. I stumbled back, my eyes never leaving his,searching for answers. Kael's smile was enigmatic, his eyes burning with an inner fire. "But know this, Eleora... I'll always be close, watching, waiting. You can't escape the shadows forever." With that, he turned and disappeared into the darkness, leaving me feeling both relieved and bereft, i all of a sudden felt lonely..

I felt like crying, i was a normal mage an hour ago and now i somehow wield the shadows, and a vessel for the destruction of man kind, i wanted to run, but where would i go to?

I felt lost and helpless, i felt lonely without him,the darkness began to whisper in my mind once more. "You can't escape, Eleora.. you're mine now." The voice was like a cold breeze, sending shivers down my spine. I tried to shake my head, but the words echoed through my thoughts. Suddenly, the library around me began to fade, replaced by a desolate landscape of ash and ruin. The voice laughed, a sound like thunder in her mind. "This is your future, Eleora... unless you embrace your true power."

"This is my future either ways stop messing with me" i cried falling on my butt on the wooden floor, i pulled my hair from frustration, this can't be real, i don't have a mate, i shouldn't have one

I cried out, cried for what my life has become, i wanted Kael to comfort me, to hug me, that was what mates do afterall, i didn't know how or why but i needed my mate

My cries died down and turned to hiccups,the darkness around me began to swirl, taking shape into a figure. Kael appeared before me, his eyes gleaming with an otherworldly intensity. He knelt beside me, his arms encircling me in a warm embrace.

"My little mage," he whispered, his voice a gentle breeze in my mind. "I'm here. I'll always be here to comfort you, to guide you through the shadows." His hold was firm, yet gentle, his touch igniting a sense of belonging within me. I clung to him, my tears soaking into his chest as he held me close...

"I don't want to destroy mankind Kael, i can't do it, please don't let that happen" i cried into his chest, he chest rumbled, holding me tight as he runs his fingers through my lush white hair " i can't do it Kael" i sobbed

Kael's chest rumbled again, his voice low and soothing. "Shh, princess, I won't let that happen. You're not destined for destruction, but for salvation." His fingers tangled in my hair, gentle and reassuring. "The shadows within you are powerful, but they can be harnessed for good. I'll teach you to control them, to wield your magic for the greater good." His hold tightened, his words dripping with conviction. "Together, we'll forge a new path, one that brings light to the darkness, and hope to a world in need."

Another chapter up! Itll make my day if you vote and comment

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