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Kael's deep confession was met with silence as I stared into his beautiful grey eyes, feeling hypnotized. Yet, despite having just met, I knew instinctively that it was the mate bond - it simply had to be. And I was still struggling to process the intensity of our connection. Was I being fair in not reciprocating his feelings, I wondered?

My thoughts were a whirlwind of emotions, but i knew one thing for sure - i couldn't deny the bond we shared. I looked up at Kael, his eyes burning with passion and sincerity, and i took a tentative step closer.

"Kael, I...I feel it too," i whispered,my shoulders sag, my voice barely audible. "But I'm scared. I don't know if I'm ready for this."

His face softened, and he reached out, gently brushing a strand of hair behind my ear. "We'll face it together, Elly. We'll explore this bond, and I'll be here for you every step of the way."

How do I respond to Kael's reassurance? I was still navigating this uncharted territory, and he was a surprise to me just as much as I was to him. I bit my lip, hesitant to open up further, but Kael's encouraging gaze put me at ease. I nodded slowly, and to my surprise, Kael let out a soft growl, his eyes gleaming with approval. My face flushed furiously as I looked away, trying to hide my embarrassment.

My master ever so lovely severed my mate bond, yes! I was told of it as a weakness, my master lost his mate and was never the same, albeit still sane but i could tell he was battling with the lose of his mate everyday

Every night, he cries himself to sleep, clutching her picture. When I turned 16, he severed my mate bond, determined to spare me the same pain he endured. Was it a selfish decision? Perhaps. Yet, here I am, fatefully bound to a mate - and a breathtakingly handsome one at that.

I blushed fiercly at the thought, dammit this is not the time for this Eleora, i scolded myself

Kael chest was vibrating, the brick of wall was laughing

"You're cute" he booped my nose

"Shut up" i buried my face in his chest and sighed, feeling contented as his scent enveloped me

"What about the shadows? World destruction? My master?" I paused and took a tentative step back, "so what now?" I chewed my cheeks, kaels smiled warmly at me

Kael's smile was like a ray of sunshine, comforting and reassuring. "Ah, my love, we'll face the shadows and the world together.and i think your master is more than capable of taking care of himself no?"

He paused looking at me warily, maybe expecting an outburst, when he didn't get one cause i was mulling in the information he continued

"and we'll shatter the darkness that's been cast over the land."

He took a step closer, his eyes burning with determination. "As for what now...now, we prepare. We gather our strength, our allies, and our courage. We'll embark on a quest to unite the fragmented lands and forge a new path, one where love and light can triumph over darkness and fear."

Kael's voice was filled with conviction, and his words painted a vivid picture of hope and possibility. He reached out, his hand extended, inviting me to join him on this perilous yet promising journey.

"Will you stand with me, Eleora? Will you be my partner in this quest, and in life?"

The fate of our bond, and the world, hangs in the balance.

Opening that tome was the biggest mistake I have ever made, i have unleashed a darkness unto this world and somehow i am chosen as the vessel, why did my simple life turned this complicated in a matter of hours?

I wanted to cry but i know it was useless, while opening the tome might be the biggest mistake I have ever and will ever make, it was a blessing as well!

It brought my mate to me, how? I do not know but i feel its something to do with the tome, while i had ingrained in my brain the negative concept of a mate i couldn't help but wish for one.

"I-i dont know kael, but im willing to give it a shot, this is all new to me and i dont know if i can even become a queen " i drawl

"'Elly?" My master called. I almost had whiplash from how fast I turned my head. I forcefully pushed Kael away, but he was like a freaking wall - he didn't even budge. He chuckled at my attempts, clearly amused.

"Dad?" I called out, trying to free myself from my mate's grasp. A frown found its way to my face when I noticed he couldn't see us; he was looking for me. My heart broke at the sight.

"It's for the best, Princess" Kael spoke. I still tried to push him and run towards my father.

Kael's chuckle was warm and gentle, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Ah, my feisty little mage, you're adorable when you're trying to be fierce." He wrapped his arms around me, holding me close despite my attempts to push him away.

"Elly, my love, you don't have to become a queen if you don't want to. But know that you have the potential to be a powerful force for good, and I'll be here to support you every step of the way."

Just then, a cold, menacing voice echoed through the room, making your skin crawl. "Enough, Kael. You've had your fun. Now, it's time for Elly to come back to me."

A tall, dark figure emerged from the shadows, his piercing eyes blazing with dark magic and a sinister grin spreading across his chiseled face. There was something unsettlingly familiar about him, like a haunting memory I couldn't quite place. "You see, Elly" he drawled, his voice low and menacing, "you're mine, and I won't let anyone take you from me. Not even my brother, Kael."

Ah, that's why he looked so familiar - he was Kael's brother, my mate's sibling. The resemblance was undeniable, yet their auras were vastly different. While Kael exuded warmth and protection, this man radiated darkness and malevolence. The realization sent a shiver down my spine as I grasped the complexity of their familial bond.

Kael's grip on me tightened, his body tensing, ready to defend me against the darkness that threatened to tear me away from him.

"'Xandros!' Kael snarled, his voice low and menacing, as he pushed me behind him. Shadows enveloped me, but instead of feeling cold and sinister, they wrapped around me like a warm embrace, caressing me with a gentle, intoxicating touch. The darkness somehow clouded my mind, making me feel lightheaded and disoriented, yet simultaneously, it was exhilarating, like a heady elixir coursing through my veins.

Xandros chuckled darkly, his deep voice sending a shiver down my spine. He stood tall, matching Kael's imposing height, with dark hair that fell messily across his forehead and stubble that framed his chiseled jawline. His features were undeniably beautiful, but as I gazed into his piercing eyes, I couldn't help but feel that no one - not even this captivating stranger - could ever compare to my mate.

I fisted kael shirt from the back, feeling intimidated

As Xandros took a step closer, his eyes fixed on me with an unsettling intensity, Kael positioned himself protectively in front of me. I clutched his shirt tigher, feeling a surge of fear mixed with a sense of safety with Kael shielding me.

Xandros's gaze never wavered, his voice dripping with malevolence. "How quaint, Kael. You think you can protect her from me? I've claimed her, and she'll always be mine."

Kael's response was firm and unwavering. "You may have manipulated and controlled her, Xandros, but Elly's heart belongs to me now. And I won't let you take her away from me,not when i finally found my mate."

Xandros snarled, his eyes flashing with anger, but Kael stood firm, his presence a solid barrier between us and the eerie darkness xandros possessed. I felt a surge of gratitude, knowing he'd fight to keep me safe.

As the tension escalated, the air seemed to vibrate with magic, and I sensed a powerful struggle brewing. The chokeholding power they radiated was palpable, making the atmosphere thick with anticipation. It was enough to make any mere human submit, their dominance and authority suffocating, leaving no room for defiance. The weight of their magic was crushing, a force to be reckoned with, and I felt tiny and insignificant in its presence.

I hope you enjoyed it as much as i enjoyed writing it!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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