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Alex sat in the kitchen of Zack's house, his expression thoughtful as he glanced around the space. "How did you ever inherit this at 17?" Alex asked, his curiosity piqued. "You never explained."

Zack shrugged nonchalantly, setting down his coffee cup after taking a sip. "My parents only had me—I was their only child," Zack began, his tone tinged with nostalgia. "They had everything paid off, and I guess they trusted that I could handle living on my own."

He continued, recounting the details of his inheritance. "The lawyer who dealt with my parents' estate knew them well. He granted me the house and 20% of the money, along with ownership of the family business until I turn 21," Zack explained, his voice carrying a mix of gratitude and responsibility.

Alex nodded in understanding, his gaze thoughtful. "That's a lot to take on at such a young age," he remarked empathetically.

Zack smiled faintly, a hint of melancholy in his eyes. "Yeah, it was a big adjustment. But I wanted to honor my parents' legacy and make them proud," he admitted softly.

Alex reached out a supportive hand, placing it gently on Zack's shoulder. "You've done an amazing job, Zack. I'm proud of you," Alex said sincerely.

Zack's smile widened, touched by Alex's words of encouragement. "Thanks, Alex. I appreciate that," he replied gratefully.

As they sat together in the kitchen, the weight of Zack's responsibilities mingled with a sense of resilience and determination. Despite the challenges he faced, Zack found solace in the support of his friends and the enduring legacy of his parents.

"Why don't I show you have the business works?" Zack suggested as he sipped on his coffee peacefully

Zack chuckled softly at Alex's concern, his eyes crinkling with amusement. "What are you going to ruin, Lexie?" he teased gently, using the playful nickname he often used for his friend.

Alex shifted nervously in his seat, a hint of uncertainty in his expression. "I don't know... I just don't want to mess things up," he admitted sheepishly.

Zack took another sip of his coffee, his demeanor relaxed and reassuring. "Hey, it's all good. I'll show you the ropes, and you can learn as we go," Zack reassured him, his tone encouraging.

Alex hesitated for a moment before nodding tentatively. "Okay, if you're sure. I wouldn't want to cause any trouble," he replied earnestly.

Zack grinned, his confidence infectious. "Trust me, Lexie. It'll be fine. Besides, I could use an extra pair of hands around here," he remarked with a smirk.

As Zack and Alex spent the afternoon learning about the family business, their camaraderie deepened. Zack appreciated Alex's eagerness to help and his genuine interest in understanding the operations.

At one point, as they discussed a particular aspect of inventory management, Zack looked up from the documents and caught Alex's eye. There was a brief moment of shared understanding and connection between them.

"You're really catching on quickly, Lexie," Zack remarked, a smile playing on his lips.

Alex blushed slightly, grateful for the encouragement. "Thanks, Zack. I'm glad I can be of help," he replied earnestly.

Zack reached out, giving Alex a friendly pat on the shoulder. "I appreciate you being here. It's nice having someone I trust by my side," Zack admitted warmly.

Alex returned the smile, his gaze meeting Zack's with a sense of fondness. In that moment, an unspoken understanding passed between them—an acknowledgment of their growing friendship and mutual support.

As they continued their discussion, Zack felt a surge of gratitude for Alex's presence and unwavering friendship. The weight of responsibility seemed lighter with Alex by his side, sharing in the journey of honoring his parents' legacy.

Towards the end of the day, as they wrapped up their tasks, Zack turned to Alex with a grateful expression. "Thanks again, Lexie. How about we celebrate a successful day with a little treat?" Zack suggested.

Alex's eyes lit up with excitement. "Sure, Zack! What did you have in mind?" he asked eagerly.

As Alex pushed Zack away, shock and hurt flashed across Zack's face. He immediately realized his mistake, his heart sinking with regret as Alex stormed off, leaving him alone in the basement.

Feeling a mix of embarrassment and remorse, Zack sank onto a nearby stool, running a hand through his hair in frustration. He hadn't meant to overstep boundaries or cause any distress to Alex.

With a heavy heart, Zack reflected on the complexities of friendship and loyalty. He understood the importance of respecting Alex's relationship and vowed to honor that boundary while nurturing the meaningful connection they shared as friends.

After taking a moment to gather his thoughts, Zack resolved to reach out to Alex and apologize for his actions. He knew he had to clarify that the kiss was a misstep and that he valued their friendship above all else.

As he left the basement and headed upstairs, Zack felt a pang of remorse but also a determination to make things right. He would give Alex the space he needed and work to rebuild their trust, mindful of the boundaries that needed to be respected.


As Rian relaxed in his bathtub, trying to unwind with soothing music playing in the background, he couldn't help but sigh deeply each time his phone interrupted the tranquility with an incoming call.

He glanced at the screen, noting the persistent notifications. It seemed like a particularly busy evening for unexpected interruptions. Rian debated whether to answer or let the calls go to voicemail, wanting to preserve the moment of calm he had been seeking all day.

Eventually, curiosity got the better of him, and Rian reluctantly reached for his phone, wiping away a few droplets of water that had landed on the screen. He tapped to answer the most recent call, hoping it wasn't urgent.

"Hello?" Rian greeted, trying to sound composed despite the slight annoyance.

On the other end, a familiar voice responded, slightly breathless. "Hey, Rian, it's Zack," came the hesitant reply.

Rian's eyebrows raised in surprise, his annoyance dissipating. "Zack? Is everything okay?" he asked, concern coloring his tone.

Zack took a deep breath before continuing. "Yeah, sorry to bother you. I just... I need to talk," Zack admitted, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Rian leaned back in the tub, his curiosity piqued. "Of course, Zack. What's on your mind?" he inquired gently.

Over the line, Zack hesitated before opening up about the recent encounter with Alex and the aftermath of their misunderstanding. Rian listened attentively, his empathy evident in the way he responded.

As they talked, Rian offered support and understanding, guiding Zack through the complexities of friendship and the importance of communication. Despite the interruption to his evening bath, Rian found himself grateful for the opportunity to help Zack navigate his emotions and find a path forward.

After the call ended, Rian returned to his bath, the music now a welcome backdrop to his reflections. He felt a renewed sense of purpose in his role as a therapist, knowing that even in moments of relaxation, he could be a source of support and guidance for those who needed it most.

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