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- Cheshire often helps walk Cheddar through tasks, since Cheddar hasn't been alive for that long and didn't exactly know how to do stuff. Cheshire will sometimes actively mess with Cheddar by teaching them stuff wrong though. Cheddar thinks it's hilarious, Rabbit doesn't.

- Cheddar has many stims, including a popping stim they got from mimicking King that they do when they're bored, and a stomping stim they do when they're excited

- My human design of Cheddar is rather similar to my design for Cheshire, except Cheddar's curls are pulled into pigtails and instead of a skirt, they have overalls

- Cheddar loves capturing bugs around Wonderheart and oftentimes, Pluto will find Cheddar hiding under a table cupping a bug in their hand. Sometimes, they bring the bugs over to Rabbit and Queenie to show it off. Rabbit always will try to identify it before telling Cheddar to put it outside. Queenie will just immediately freak out bc "EW IT'S A BUG, GET IT AWAY" before also telling Cheddar to put it outside.

- Prince/Gabriel actually really enjoys Cheddar's company and prefers them over Cheshire, while Queenie prefers Cheshire over Cheddar.

- Cheddar sometimes has a stutter that causes them to have to repeat words over and over again to say a sentence properly.

- They loves fogging up the Wonderheart windows and drawing on the glass with their finger.

- They have a little lunchbox tin that they use to carry a bunch of tiny things they collect around Wonderheart. They usually keep the tin in the void but sometimes bring it out to show off their collection. This collection often includes stolen silverware, napkins, empty boxes from the kitchen, tiny trinkets from Florence's old office downstairs, shredded paper, random things kids leave behind from the daytime shift, old name tags, etc-

- Cheddar loves climbing onto counters and shelves to feel taller.

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