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Silas Verlice POV

The feeling of Levi's teeth releasing my neck woke me up. The slowly blinked open to see a reddish brown wolf dragging Levi.

I didn't recognize this big wolf. I looked for Adira but couldn't find her. Panic started to settle in.

"Si, Adira shifted!" Samara said in mind link as the wolf attacking her started to leave.

I looked at the red brown wolf as it tore into Levi's chest. Levi's pack members knocked the wolf hard to the ground, helping Levi so they could all retreat.

As they did, I noticed Naomi's small wolf run with them. It clicked what has been happening. We got a mole and that mole is Naomi.

I turned back to the wolf which shifted back to its human form as it laid in the mud. I shifted as well and stumbled my way over to see it was in fact my mate.

"Adira!" I cried out as I fell to my knees beside her. My hand that clutched my open neck wound released my neck so I could put pressure on hers. "I am so sorry."

"Silas," she said weakly. "I'm sorry. Naomi-"

"I know, baby. Don't apologize. Though she was behind this, she didn't make me say such horrible things," I huffed as I pulled her to my chest. "I am so sorry."

She smiled weakly. "I forgive you," she said. "Oh and Silas."

"Yes my love?" I said resting my head on hers.

"I shifted," she beamed up at me.

"I know, darling. I am so proud of ya," I stroked her hair. Her smile fell when she noticed my neck and she held her hands against it.

"We have to get inside," she said. She looked to everyone else who was shifting back and coming over to help get us up.


"You both will be fine," the pack doctor said. "Just make sure to take your medicine and keep your wounds clean. You should be completely healed soon."

"Thank you," I said as she left our room. I pressed my hand on the bandages and didn't feel anything. "These pain killers are amazin'."

"I know," Adira said. "Is it the same ones you let me use a while ago?"

"Nah, these are a bit stronger," I said sitting back down in our bed. "Ya shifted."

"I know!" she said cheerfully. This was one of few times that I saw her this happy. And it's ironic how it's right after her neck was almost detached from her shoulders.

"We should go on runs together when we feel better. Our wolves are dyin' to see each other, I bet," I said.

"Late night runs. Just the two of us?" she smiled while her eyes sparkled. I nodded humming. "I can't wait! I've always wanted to do that with my mate!"

My heart stammered. I loved this woman so much. Shortly after that thought, my heart ached with all the horrible things I have said.

"I forgive you," she said reading my thoughts.

"But I can't take those things back. When somethin' like that is said, you can never take it back. I don't even know how I could ever say such things," I frowned.

"We were both angry. I don't think we should stay focused on that rather than the fact that Naomi staged this and is working with Levi," she sighed.

I chewed the inside of my cheek. She is right. Someone from our pack is working with the enemy. She certainly told Levi about the plan. This is a huge problem.

"We have to call the others and let them know. Them knowing of our plan could lead to them getting their own allies or worse. Like ambushin' us again but with more wolves."

Adira nodded. "I want to tell them."

"Ya can," I said reassuring her. "May I ask why?"

"I am the luna..Er- luna to be. I want to be more involved," she stated brushing her hair out of her face.

"I love you and I love that idea. We can do an announcement to the pack tomorrow. For now, let's go set up a conference call for the other leaders."

She nodded and got up, leaving to my office.

My heart ached from my irresponsible actions. I hurt her and yet she could still find a way to forgive me. She is so amazin' and for me to suggest anythin' less is so ignorant of me. And I vowed to myself that I will do better and make the world a better place for her.

And that includes making sure that Levi and his pack die a painful, agonizing death.

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