Battle For Noskaria: Season 2: Epsiode 7

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Notice: Three Days Grace is owned by RCA records, and Skillet is owned by Rise Ministries.
"Numb" owned By the band, Sleep Theory.
All rights and songs mentioned belong to them.
I do not associate with either of these bands, I am simply respecting their songs, bands. I listed them here because I enjoy their music, and could see how it would fit into my story.

Notice: Trigger warning. This episode deals with mental issues, proceed with caution. This isn't meant to be depressing, but to uplift. Stay safe and healthy, mentally and physically, everyone. Don't feel afraid to reach out. Trust me, I've felt what you feel too. I know what it's like. It hurts. Don't feel afraid to call someone. Love y'all.

Chapter #1: Returning home...

Somewhere in the field of Káøs Sector A

On a spacecraft the size and shape of a massive hotel...

Marik is inside a massive room. Working on a computer.

Malicia then walks in, opening the door.

"So, Marik? How does it feel returning to Nazomega?" Malicia asks, in a happy voice. Leaning on the doorframe.

"Terrible." Marik says

"Come on.. just try to see some happiness in it!" Malicia says

"The only happiness I get is coding and designing machines." Marik states.

"Come on.. I know there's stupid tasks, and you don't really have much freedom over what you do, but maybe... I can ask the boss to give you more freedom so this doesn't happen again?" Malicia says in an understanding voice.

"He's not going to listen. You know how arrogant he is." Marik says in annoyance.

"He's only arrogant because he has a fragile plan that must follow in accordance to all steps!" Malicia says.

Marik then turns around, and gives her an annoyed look. Despite wearing visors, it took no genius to tell he was annoyed.

"WOMP. WOMP." Marik says, in a stern voice, as he turns the chair back to look back at the computer.

"Oh come on! Try to cheer up! Please? For me?..." Malicia says in an almost begging voice.

"No." Marik says, in an instant

"Listen, when you are around Nazomega, I actually feel less under tension, because you lighten up the mood, and make me feel... kinda inspired, you are a genius, and someone even the boss admires for power! Plus, you're kinda cute!... just saying... Not saying it to try to flirt! I promise!" Malicia says, happily

"Cool." Marik says, slightly smiling. Raising his thumb as a thumbs up.

"Wow! You actually gave me a positive response for once!" Malicia says, "Maybe a little bit more and you will actually praise me too!"

"Probably never going to happen." Marik says, continuing to work on the computer.

Malicia bends over to look at the Computer screen.

"Is that TeknaScript? That one coding program most computer scientists use?" Malicia asks, with interest.

"Yeah. It's TeknaScript. Surprised you know what that is. You may not be as foolish as I believe. Did Gigantrox tell you what TeknaScript is?" Marik asks.

"N-no! Of course Gigantrox didn't tell me what TeknaScript is!" She says, waving her hands, "Anyway, what are you even programming ?"

"A code of instructions for a machine." Marik says.

"What kinda machine?" Malicia says.

"Modifying the coding for my MekPak." Marik responds

"MekPak? What is a MekPak?" Malicia says.

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