Chapter 9

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Steed sat quietly across from me, seemingly lost in thought.

"Seems so sad," I said. I was thinking of Chevelle's loss, of my own, and of Ruby's, wondering how we could all be without family. "Your mother..." I trailed off.

He sighed. "My mother died years ago with a large part of the northern clans."

I cringed. His mother had died because of my mother, same as Chevelle. I was almost afraid to ask. "And your father?"

His smile was arch. "My father wanders the mountain, killing fey."

My jaw dropped. "You mean Ruby is your sister?"

"Half-sister," he emphasized. He let me roll that around for a while before he spoke again. "You know, Ruby told me she'd had dealings with the infamous Chevelle Vattier, but I didn't believe her. One can never be too careful with the tales of a fairy."


"But imagine my surprise when he walked out of the trees, following a green-eyed beauty." Steed smiled at the memory before his mood turned serious. "When I ran into the trackers, I had hoped Ruby had told the truth and might know where to find you." He laughed. "She tried to hide you, but I recognized the horses out front."

"She tried to hide us?"

"Ah, yes. Fey are full of treacheries and wickedness. Always meddling in the affairs of others, causing trouble whenever possible. They have quite a time. At least Red's only half wicked."

His sister. I was having trouble wrapping my mind around it all.

"Don't worry. She's had her fun with you. She'll be helpful now." He grinned, and I wasn't sure if it was sarcastic. "Besides, it sounds like you're the biggest trouble going. She would do well to stick around you."

I frowned.

"I'll keep an eye on her," he promised.

"You?" I asked, remembering Ruby's announcement. "You're traveling with us?"

"You don't mind, do you?"

"No, of course not," I gushed. I was too eager. "Chevelle's been training me."

"Well, we can certainly help with that."

I grimaced at the thought of what Ruby's training methods might be.

"Don't fret. She's actually very talented." His smile warmed. "An asset, you'll see."

An asset?

Ruby came through the door in a movement that could nearly have been classified as whirling. "Come on, Steed. We need to set you up outside of town. Chevelle is afraid we're causing a scene in the village." She laughed lightly. It seemed as if she was enjoying herself. I wondered if that meant she was causing trouble. "Don't think he trusts you with the girl," Ruby added, smiling playfully.

"I prefer the outdoors anyway." Steed dipped toward me, his hand folding his waist in a bow as he stood to go. "Sunshine."


My head was not up for this at all. His sister. Traveling with us. An asset. I rested my forehead against my knees.

"Are you ill?" Chevelle said from beside me. I hadn't even heard him come in. He was sitting forward on the bench next to me, and when I jerked up in surprise, it put us too close. I tottered, and he steadied me but didn't move away.

He leaned closer. "You smell... like morning."

I bit my lip, heat rising up my neck, but he lingered, breathing in the scent. "Ruby," I said.

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