Mia looks after a sick jordan

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Mias pov
I wake up, jordan is still sleeping, that's unlike him. He dosent look to good at all. I ring the school,and they tell me to stay at home and look after him. He's got a temperature so I get a flannel, put a bit of cold water on it and put it on his head. Mum looks at me and says " me and dad will take jacy to school just make sure you look after him, he needs you today. Five minutes later he wakes up, I say " I've called the school they told me to look after you today so that's exactly what I'm going to do,,whether you like it or not". He says " okay I'm not going to change you're mind but can I at least get one song from my incredibly talented and beautiful girlfriend please?". I smile and get my guitar, I play iris by the goo goo dolls. He blows me a,kiss and says " so docter mathews what's the plan for today". I smile and say " looking after my sick boyfriend after he gets some rest, and before you ask or complain that's an order and yes I'll sleep to if that makes you more comfortable. I need to be careful not to snuggle into him,as tempting as it is.

Jordan's pov
I wake up felling a bit better, but mia isint here. I see her come back in and she says " sorry I left you, I was just setting up the couch for me tonight, it's safer if we sleep apart ". I say " babe this is you're bed and I'm just taking over it". She joins me in bed and says " no you're not, you're sick so of course you're sleeping in an actual bed tonight". I can see she wants a hug, kiss and snuggle sesh but it's to,risky. She says " how are you felling?". Is " I'm.felling better ". Mia,leaves the room.to,make me some food, I choose a movie to,watch under her instructions. I see a bunch of my favourite snacks and drinks and Mia laughs and says " only when you're better, one drink and snack a day no more". She gives me the tray of soup.and crackers with water and,honey and lemon. I really apreciate mia doing,all this for me today,,it shows how much she cares. Later we're about to go to bed mia says " it's been killing me not being,able to do this all day". She hugs me and gives me a kiss on the cheek. As she leaves she says " night babe, I love you". I say " night mimi, I love you more, thanks for looking after me today you really didn't need to". She says " of course I did,,I'm you're girlfriend,,it's kind of in the job description, rest up ,hopefully you're okay to go to school tomorrow".

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