Oneshot 1

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Jordan has just been voted off,mia is devastated . They've all become really close during the competition but jordan going just hurts he more for some reason. Abi tells her to think about when she was happiest innthe competition. Mia ends up going to Jordan's room that night and they chat, will anything else happen between them, if it do3s where will it leave them.

Mias pov
I'm absolutely devastated, jordan is so talented and should have been in the final. We've all become so close during the competition, especially the super ten, but jordan going just hurts more. He hugs me and says " hey it's okay, I'm going to be okay, it's fine go and win it for me I know you can". Later me and abi are in our room she says " when we're you happiest during the competition?". She knows the answer and I say " it has to be that day it just me and jord messing around being teenagers forgetting about the pressure on us". She says " tell him, I think you like him as more than a friend, just go up to his room, I won't exact you back tonight".

Jordan's pov
Im chatting to my family when I hear a knock onnmy door it's mia, with an overnight bag she looks beutiful, I let her in, we chat to my family for a few more minuits. I look at her and say " you missed me that much". She nods and says ":even though I've lived singing, my favourite day if the competition was is messing around, forgetting about the pressure on us and just being normal nineteen year olds, jord I think I really like you and I don't know how you fell". I say " I fell the same way, so what do you want to do about it". She snuggles into me. Later we're both ready for bed,Mia joins me in bed, she kisses me. She says " oh I'm such an idiot I'm so sorry". I say " it's fine mia I enjoyed it , i ypwas just a bit surprised". She starts leaning again and I do to we meet halfway and I pull her onto my lap,we break apart and say " do you 2ant this, We don't have to". She says " jord I definitely want this". She kisses me again but this time with more passion, i kiss with the same amount of passion and we start ripping each other's clothes off. Later we're naked under the covers, mia kisses me and says " why don't we make this a permanent thing,not official yet just friends with beifits that date a bit". I Kiss her and say "best idea I've ever heard".

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