The Wedding|16|

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talks about SA so Trigger warning)


Lilly sat on a chair in front of the mirror as maids fixed her dress that was hanging up her face was void of any emotion's not even looking when she heard the door open she was scared but she felt some relief remembering the king saying they wouldn't bed until she was ten and four

"Leave us we will finish getting her ready" Rhaenyra demanded the maids from where she and Alicent stood staring at Lilly who sat in a robe still not looking at them

"yes princess" one of the maids said before they rushed out with that Lilly finally looked and saw her sister and Rhaenyra making her tear up and lip quiver

" i am sorry for what i did and i know no matter what i say i will be in the wrong i should of tried to help im sorry Lilly you are a child you would wish to be put in this position I should of seen that" Rhaenyra stated

"i understand you were upset all is forgiven" Lilly said although she still felt hurt but she rather have them at her side than against her

"I am also sorry sister I should not of said the things I did" Alicent said making her smile and hug her

"well lets get you ready" Alicent said cupping her little sisters cheeks making her smile and nod

"the dress is beautiful Lilly" Rhaenyra said as Alicent fixed the bottom of it "thank you the king chose it" she responded looking at her self in the mirror she didn't like what she was seeing but she couldn't do anything about it

"you did not choose your own wedding dress" Rhaenyra asked confused

"the king did not like my choice so he chose" she said like it was nothing because to her it wasn't worth the fight

"i talked with father what did he mean when he said I would be happy that i should thank you for marrying the king" Alicent asked as she couldn't hold it anymore she needed to know

"i do not know" Lilly said dismissing the questioned "do not lie to me please" Alicent begged knowing her sister was lying

" I am not I do not know why perhaps he meant that when I am queen I could decline marriage proposals on your behalf make sure you don't marry a man you don't want to" Lilly said shrugging her shoulders making both girls nod believing her

"we will be by your side Lilly but just say the word and I will kidnap you and you wont marry my father" Rhaenyra said meaning it she would leave this place behind with Lilly and Alicent if it meant to keep her happy

"It is my duty and I will do it with honor, I have no choice Rhaenyra, the king has ordered me to marry him I cant defy or deny a order from the king"

Otto walked into the room "it is time Lilly you two must get to your places" he said making the two girls kiss her cheek before leaving the room

Lilly took a deep breathe nodding walking to her father as they began walking in the hall to the room where the ceremony would be taking place

"i am proud of you sweetheart, i know this is not what you imagined but you will make do" Otto said patting her hand that was wrapped around his arm as they walked

"and if he treats me horribly hurts me then what" she whispered looking at him with nothing but pain and hurt

"then you will endure it and not make a peep about it" Otto warned her making her nod as they reached the doors they will enter from otto nodded to the guards letting them to open the door

the two began walking the room was filled with noble houses they all thought she looked beautiful and elegant but she felt scared and nervous as she looked forward she saw her future the man she will be forced to obey and love

Otto let go of her land letting Lilly walked up the stairs grabbing Viserys waiting hands she turned facing the septa

"We stand here in the sight of gods and men to witness he union of man and wife. One flesh, One heart, One soul now and forever" the septa announces to everyone in the throne room as he wrapped their conjoined hand together in red ribbon symbolizing their union

"Let it be known that Viserys of House Targaryen and Lilly of house Hightower is one heart, one flesh, one soul, curse be he who would seek to tear them asunder" the septa announced

"in the sight of the seven i hereby seal these two souls binding then as one for eternity"

"look upon each other and say the words" the septa commands the two

"Father, Smith Maiden, Crone, Stranger" Viserys said

"Father, Smith, Maiden, Crone, Stranger" Lilly repeated stuttering lightly

"i am hers, she is mine from this day until the end of my days" Viserys said

"i am his, he is mine from this day until the end of my days" she said lip quivering

"you may now cloak the bride with your protection" the septa told Viserys and Lilly turned around slowly as Viserys grabbed his cloak representing his house from Rhaenyra and placed it upon her shoulders showing everyone that Lilly was now apart of house Targaryen and under the kings "protection"

"with this kiss i pledge my love" they both said sliding their rings on before Viserys grabbed her face and kissed her hard making nearly everyone cheer as she wince in pain

everyone quieted down as they watch the septa grab a crown knowing they were about to crown their king's wife the queen

" in the sight of the seven i now pronounce Lilly Targaryen wife of our king Viserys Targaryen, Queen of the Andals, the Roynar and the First men and lady of the seven Kingdoms" the Speta announced holding a crown made for her above her head for all to see

"Long may she reign"

"long may she reign" the people repeated bowing to their new queen as the crown was placed onto her head

Alicent and Rhaenyra watched with sad eyes as Lilly looked over everyone with a soft smile as she felt the weight of the crown on her head

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