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michelle's pov:

Max Collins and Emmanuelle Vera dropped by a cafe where i am already at to accompany and have a chat with me i guess. " to try" quote on quote  "open my eyes. "

"Binigyan ka nga ni lord ng mata pero ang asta mo naman bulag bulagan lang" collins said clearly the expression annoyed plastered all over her face

"i cant defend you on this. she has a photo proof evidence " vera pointed to collin's phone on the table

"ayaw ko lang naman mag jump into conclusion. baka friends lang talaga. friendly naman silang dalawa"

"which friend of the opposite sex have you seen hold hands with no reason at all and cling on the other's bicep? that are just friends. tell me michelle saan at masampal ko" collins said angrily

"talk to samantha about it. have a heart to heart talk with your wife michelle. thats the best advice i can give you right now" vera said patting my back.

i hate getting sympathy and pity looks. i really dont need them.

theres no doubt that deep down theres something going on between them. but at the same time i know my wife wouldnt do such thing. some stupidity to ruin us. or would she?

"lets do a background check on this guy" collins suggested excitedly. vera was skeptical about it. but collins had already grabbed the laptop and onto doing her research.

a minute or two later vera and i got startled when collins yelled "I GOT IT. I GOT IT"

"so ladies.

mr homewrecker is 5 foot 8 and a half, original hair colour is black, curly hair, and he studied in Ateneo De Manila University. he was in a varsity team playing basketball, despite playing for his team for 4 years in the position of shooting guard. he was never awarded most valuable player. "

collins : heh lol loser.

vera: 5'8 lang pala. mas matangkad ka pa mich. talo na kaagad pag dating sa height.

i never really noticed im taller than he is. because for 1 when im around him were sitting. and 2. i dont wanna be around him.

collins: meron pa meron pa.

we kept quiet and let her continue

collins : apparently his dad owns a million dollar company

okay so maureen was right.

"A million dollar company selling sardines. although he is the youngest of 3 he is next in line for the position of chief executive officer of their father's company because his two siblings are women. and his father doesnt believe in capability of women running a company.

even though mr homewrecker seems cunning, handsome and charming. you shouldn't be fooled because he's very much alike with his father.

babaero, smoker, drinker and is very much arrogant"

vera: panalo pa rin si michelle. THE michelle marquez dee owns a billion dollar company, stunning, charming, elegant and most importantly kind.

collins: tama tama. 2 Dee - 0 mr homewrecker

michelle: feeding my ego are we?

collins: hindi. tama naman lahat ng sinabi ni vera. this guy loses to you in all aspects. so why is your wife so fond of this guy for?

vera : confront your wife about it na lang. try to find a good time for you both to talk it out. pag hindi kayo pagod, mad, or sad. coz it will just escalate things to a worse level.

michelle: i really do appreciate you both accompanying me here.

collins : of course ikaw pa ba naman mich.

vera : were here for you. always.
next day :

*ring ring*

oh my goodness. i push my face further in my pillow.

what could possibly be more important than my beauty sleep for someone to call me 5 in the morning?!

i groaned grabbing my phone from the bed side table after the 4th ring.


"goodmorning to you too michelle" i felt like a cold water splash on my face hearing her voice. i had changed my number how'd she find out?

"what? cat caught your tongue already?" she chuckled lightly

"how did you get my number?"

"does it really matter?"

"Meet me at my place at 7 o'clock. a formal dinner so please dress appropriately. i'll send you the address" she continued.

then hanged up.

i know i'll have to attend whether i like it or not. i cant refuse anntonia.

im still unsure on what she's capable of. and she has something against me.

so its either i comply or it will be the death of me.

i look to the empty bed side wondering where my wife is at. bakit hindi siya umuwi.

A/N : 

things might go downhill from here. sooooo get ready.

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