chapter 22

406 22 1

Mel POV;  Blake has been getting into a lot of trouble today she has been in timeout 3 times today.

Now that she's very comfortable in the relationship she has been letting her little bratty side come out.

"Blake get your little butt over here you need to put your daiper back on before you pee pee on the floor" I'm glad it's just her and me home today otherwise Asher and my brother would be getting a show.

"Nooo" she says running past me

I finally catch her put clothes on her.

"Blake it's nap time but with your behavior today you are napping alone and in your crib with a baba" I say getting up to fix her bottle.

Blake already has tears going down her face as we go upstairs.

I lay her down with her favorite blanket.

"Mama" Blake reaches for me

"Lay down Blake" I give her bottle and pacifier.

I walk out after turning on her nightlight and white noise machine.

I hear her cry over the baby monitor until she falls asleep.

Hopefully she will wake up in a better mood.

"Why is she making so much noise" Asher says coming out his room looking hungover.

"Jesus you scared me I thought you stayed at Alex house last night" I put my hand over my heart.

"We went out drinking and this was the only address I could remember your brother is still asleep" Asher says.

"Oh okay I will try to keep her quiet she is being a brat today so be careful" I say walking to my office.

I get some emails done made some phone calls then start on some lunch.

Once I'm done making lunch Asher and my brother come downstairs.

Then I hear my baby call my name like not mommy she called me Mel.

I open her nursery door and she is still in headspace.

"Mel" she says again smiling

"Who thought you that" I pick her up then lay her down to change her daiper.

"Gigi" Blake says

She isn't wrong my mom was over here yesterday using my printer because her stopped working and kept calling my name because she kept messing up the printer.

"Yes put you call me mommy not mel" I say button up her onesie.

"Mel" she says sucking her fingers

I get in her highchair once we are downstairs.

"Thank you Mel" Blake says

"Hey you don't call her that" Asher says poking her side.

"Mel" Blake says slapping her hand down.

"Alright we are going back to sleep" Asher says getting up.

After they leave I sit in front of Blake.

"Do you want to go sit in time out" I asks

"Sorry mama" Blake has tears in her eyes.

"Bear it's been a rough day it's okay did you not take your medicine today" I asks.

Blake shakes her head no

"Blake it's been a whole week since you have taken your medicine What's going on talk to so I can help you mama can't help if I don't know what is wrong" I say picking her up.

"Make me feel icky" Blake lays her head on my shoulder.

"How icky are we talking" I rub her back.

"Make me feel like I going to throw up and make my tummy feel weird all day and can't eat" Blake says.

"Okay well I can make a doctor appointment for Monday how about that" I rock us a little bit

"Otay" she rubs her eyes

"You are still sleepy" I rock her some more until I know she is asleep.

I lay her next to me and get my phone out.

"Dr.Buckley speaking" I hear on the other end of the phone.

"Hi this Mel Blake hasn't been taking her adhd medication she says it's making her feel sick and I wanna make a appointment for Monday" I say.

"Okay what time works for you and what is wrong with her" he asks.

"She says she feels like she is going to throw up and her stomach is upset also can't eat" I say running my hand through her hair.

"How is doing off the medicine" he asks.

"Some days she is good but some days she is doing bad like breaking things she torn up a book today for no reason" I say.

"Okay we can probably but her on something different and see how that goes" he says.

I hang up

"Oh bear you are so cute but so bratty" I kiss her cheeks

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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