『📓』A Hero's Revenge Scenario

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When you listen to a certain song and think of a storyline...


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Main Characters:

₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ Reader┊Female『The corrupted antagonist 』

₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ Vincent┊Male 『Your classic [MC] who wants revenge』

₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ Joey┊Male『An warrior who has a debt to settle』

₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ Henry┊Male 『The one admirer of the [MC]』

₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ Carter ┊Male『The best friend』

₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ The Demon King ┊Male『The Demon King with a sad motive』

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Starts off as a classic revenge story. The Demon King happens to the protag and the protag wants revenge.

But slowly after meeting people along the way he gets a change of heart.

Then the gang makes it to the Demon King's castle. Only to run into a panicked man. The man exclaims how he and his group were manipulated by a monster before the man dies right there. The gang gets concerned and think that it was the Demon King.

They hurry into the next rooms to fight but are shocked when they see a female figure. Which was the reader. The reader had magic quite similar to a siren. When she sings, depending on the magic, she can use different kinds of magic. 

The reader sings and successfully manipulated Henry and Joey. While trying to manipulate Vincent, her illusions glitched and Vincent saw the truth. He was able to survive so Reader ran away Reader tries again to manipulate him but fails. Reader gets enraged and then sings a badass song. Vincent survives and tries to convince Reader to stop and learn to forgive. Reader eventually wanted to and stands on top of a railing, but was getting cold feet.

"Don't worry! I'll catch you! I promise!" Vincent declares. Reader is hesitant and just when she was about to jump- A glowing figure that looked like a mouth is about to swallow Reader whole. Only for it to be a collar that wraps around Reader and drags her by a chain into the darkness. In return all of the people that Reader has hunted are now freed. But one stood out from all the rest... he ended up being Readers best friend, Carter. 

He were a priest class so he decided to join so that he can heal the others. Then the final battle commenced. The fight dragged on for a while until Carter comes up with a plan and sends Vincent to the reader's subconsciousness Nanatsu No Taizai style. But just as he does that the demon king possesses the reader and uses the reader's body to attack Carter, and he slowly starts to die. Reader, who was forced to watch the scene by the Demon King, was shocked and traumatized, and screamed in horror of what "She" had done. The Demon King used this opportunity to take full control of Readers mind and body so that the Demon King can use the reader's magic.

Insert [Hunger - Mafumafu] 

And insert [Error (Piano) - Jubyphonic]

At the same time. Hunger is player for Joey and Henry while Error played for Vincent. 

For Vincent, he's in Reader's subconscious and trying to reach Readers "true self". But as the song progresses, the bridge to Readers true self is cracking, leaving Vincent to run and jump like he has never done so badly in his life. And while that's happening the Demon King and Reader were fighting for possession of the body, near the end of the song for Hunger. But just as the song finishes, Vincent reaches Readers true self. But it's too late.

Joey, Henry, Reader, and the Demon King are all tired. Vincent reaches out to the demon Lord because PLOT TWIST— Reader is The Demon King's granddaughter. Vincent takes Reader's memories of her mother and gave that memory for the Demon King. While that happened, The Demon King was in shock and starts to act like Serpa from Dungeon Reset. The demon king leaves Readers body and then Vincent leaves with Reader in his arms. Everyone was unconscious except for Vincent and Carter. He urges Vincent closer and Carter chuckles and holds Readers hand gently. 

"Promise me something... will you Vincent?"

"Hmm? Umm sure..?"

"Erase Reader's memories of me."

Vincent goes wide eyed and asks why. Carter chuckles and then he gives a necklace to Reader and explains to Vincent, "This will return her memories at a specific time when set." 

"What time should I set it to?"

"On her 27th birthday"

"What? Why?"

Carter chuckles and cries while smiling. "I promised her that I'd marry her on that day" 

Vincent's heart clutched and he held Reader to him tighter. 

"Promise me you'll protect her until then"

Vincent nods and holds in his tears. "I promise. You have nothing to worry about" 

Carter cries more and then relaxes on his back. "With this... I have no regrets..." Carter takes his last breath and finally, Vincent's tears fall.

He had stopped the one person who gave him hell, but all at the cost of his new little sister figure's childhood sweetheart.

The guilt was starting to eat away at him slowly...

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