Missing feelings

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Solar was working on a project to protect Lunar from eclipse, and that project was you, a new animctronic. He backs away and powers you on. He didn't necessarily want to connect as he made you only to protect Lunar.. but your coding had other plans. You got attached to Solar and would find any reason to be near him.. which annoyed him at times. "You again?.. What is it this time?" Solar says as he signs. Solar asked as he stopped what he was doing and turned to you with a confused and somewhat annoyed face. "N-nothing," you say, not wanting to show your feelings just yet. Solar rolled his eyes. "That means you clearly want something from me.. Just say it already!" He seemed quite irritated.

"Okay!" You said..not wanting to put up a fight with your creator.. "I...I love you..." you said. Blushing slightly. He froze for a bit as he stared at you. "W-hat did you just say?!"  It took Solar a few seconds to realize what you said as his eyes widened with shock. He backed away. He was speechless, unable to form a sentence. "What you just said.. I think you made a mistake on your coding... you mean you love me as a friend, right?" You paused for a moment.. shaking your head and saying, "No.. I love you romantically. " You start to get a little scared, seeing him seem to get a little angry. He seemed in shock, and he raised his eyebrows. "I-Impossible!.. there's no way you meant that." Solar tried to take a deep breath. "This must be some sort of malfunction of your coding.." Solar backed away some more.. "You can't be feeling those emotions for me.. that's just plain impossible!". "I-I have to fix your coding!" He quickly walked towards you as he brought out a screwdriver.

"No! It's not my programming I.. you're lucky..I've been through many bodies since my first death and up to my 11th.. I'm an actual soul in an animatronic body... you can't get rid of my emotions. Solar..I'll always love you.." You say that.. but see how Solar is getting really mad, about to yell at you. His face started to turn red, and he clenched his fist as he yelled, "I-Impossible! You don't know what you're saying! I was the one who created you! And I created you to protect lunar only! And you're saying all of that nonsense? I have to fix this! You're being irrational!". He held out his screwdriver. "No.. it's true.. I.. it's fine.. I can pretend I don't have those emotions anymore if you want.. just know I'll always love you..I'll just be in my room.." You said that as you started to walk away. Solar paused as he heard what you said, and his face grew even more red. "No, it's not fine! I'll fix this! It's just a stupid malfunction of your code! I just don't understand how this could happen.. You're just a robot built for a simple task, yet somehow you started feeling emotions for me of all people!?" He shouted out of frustration. "NO! I HAVE EMOTIONS BECUASE I ACTUALLY HAVE A FUCKING SOUL! I LOVE YOU SOLAR! I KNOW YOURE NOT USED TO THIS BUT I ACTUALLY LOVE YOU! I CAN PRETEND NOT TO LOVE YOU BUT I CANT ACTUALLY NOT LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! ITS TRUE!..at this point I just feel used.." You leave, going into your room, the door closing behind you as you lay on your bed, curling up in blankets and crying quietly.

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