Healing and Discovery

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Solar sat quietly in his workshop, the echo of the recent rejection fresh in his mind. Lost in a swirl of emotions, he found himself lost in thought as he absentmindedly fidgeted with his tools. The pain of the moment still stung, leaving him feeling confused and conflicted. Solar's gaze shifted from his tools to a framed photo hanging on the workshop wall: it was a picture of Solar and Lunar, smiling proudly beside a finished animatronic.. As he stared at the photo of a proud and happy moment, Solar couldn't help but feel a mix of nostalgia and regret. His thoughts drifted back to the days when things were simpler, and he and Lunar worked together seamlessly. The bond between them seemed unbreakable back then, but things had changed now. With a deep sigh, Solar decided to take a break from his thoughts. He needed to clear his mind and find a way to move forward. Getting up from his stool, he left his workshop and began wandering the darkened halls of the facility.

As Solar walked through the quiet halls, the faint light of the night shining through the windows, he found himself drawn towards the storage room. The room was filled with dusty crates and forgotten memories, waiting to be rediscovered. Solar stepped inside and began rummaging through the boxes, his eyes scanning the aging contents. As he sifted through boxes filled with old parts and relics, he stumbled upon an intriguing box labeled "Special Projects." Curiosity piqued, Solar gently lifted the lid of the box. Inside, he discovered old blueprints, diagrams, and notes from past design projects, along with a few unfinished sketches. As he sifted through the contents, his eyes landed on one particular sketch: a design for a new animatronic. The drawing was detailed and well-thought-out, filled with a passion and creativity that Solar had long forgotten. He examined the sketch closely, taking in every line and detail as he tried to recall the memories behind the design. As he studied the sketch, a sense of determination began to grow within him..

Solar's mind began racing with ideas and possibilities. This abandoned sketch was a reminder of the passion and innovation that had driven him in the past. Maybe it was time to reignite that spark and dive back into creating something new. With renewed motivation, Solar carefully placed the sketch back into the box, along with the other projects that had been left dormant. He closed the box and took a deep breath, feeling the excitement of a new project welling up inside him. As he emerged from the storage room, he felt a newfound sense of purpose coursing through his wires..

A few days later..Solar thought..he could use some blueprints to make an animatronic and make it for Lunar... and maybe he could keep you for himself.. Solar approaches Lunar with a concerned expression.

Solar: Lunar, we need to talk.
Lunar: What is it, Solar?
Solar: I've been thinking about something... I want to talk to you about creating another animatronic for you. Maybe someone who shares your passion for mechanics and building.
Lunar: Another animatronic? Why would you suggest that?
Solar: I just think it would be good for you to have another companion who understands and appreciates your work.
Lunar: But what about Y/N?

[I'm putting it like this bc I don't feel like writing the between dialog shit]

Solar: Of course, I understand your concern for Y/N. I wouldn't want to replace them in any way. I just thought having another animatronic who could assist you in your projects would be beneficial...
Lunar: Beneficial? Are you saying I'm not capable of handling my work alone?
Solar: Lunar, you're the most proficient and skilled animatronic I've ever known. But... what if something were to happen to you? Who would continue your work and the project you're working on? I just thought having another animatronic who could carry on your legacy would make sense, just in case...

Your tears begin to fall as you start crying in your room. You can't help but feel a sense of insecurity and doubt when you overhear Solar's words.. you think he's trying to replace you still... you dont know what he really meant..

The Solar StarOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara