Lost Love...

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(The music is just for fun, and bc it matches the theme kinda rn. And I listened to this while writing this)

Solar froze as he realized what he said. His mouth began to tremble as he dropped his screwdriver and walked out of the workshop in an attempt to find you. He rushed outside to your room as he knocked on the door. "L-look..." He hesitated for a bit, but he finally mustered the courage to continue. "I'm sorry for not acknowledging you have a soul. I didn't think that it was possible for something like this to happen...". He took a deep breath. "I just wanted to say.."Save it, Solar.." You say that.. still crying quietly. "I already thought it was never meant to be.. now this is just the rest of the proof I need.." Solar was silent for quite a bit. He just stood there in silence. He wanted to convince you that it's not true and that he wants to be with you. But then one thought came to his mind, and it broke his heart. "Lunar wouldn't approve." Solar says. Solar then turned around and walked away with a sorrowful look on his face. "YEAH, AND YOUR OLDER THAN LUNAR. LUNAR DOESNT CONTROL YOUR FUCKING LIFE. NOBODY DOES. ITS ALL YOUR DECISION AND-" you start crying more while yelling this "-I KNOW YOURE ONLY SAYING THIS JUST TO FIND A REASON TO NOT LOVE ME BACK! I KNOW YOU DONT LOVE ME THE SAME WAY!" He stayed silent as he heard you yell out. His heart was absolutely broken as he realized what you just said was true.  "I.." He paused for a bit. His face was turning red as he turned around and looked back at you. "I don't know what to say.. I just.. please believe me that I don't want to hurt you by rejecting you... I wish I could love you back... I really do... I just have to think of what's best for both of us..."Yeah..and what's best for me and what's best for you are two different things.. I love you in a romantic way, and you love me in a platonic way.." You pause for a moment, my voice weak."Just accept it like I've had to..it's not meant to be.." Solar sighed, and he looked down at the ground. "You're right.. I-I mean.." His words seemed to be getting stuck in his throat. He was so frustrated and sad at the same time. "It's just not meant to be... this is just how things are... you're right... but... I wish things were different.." Solar said. "That's the one thing you can control," you coldly replied, tears still running down your face. Solar was silent once again as he couldn't form another sentence. "Why did this have to happen.. Why now that I'm starting to get attached to you?.. Why couldn't this happen when you had just been created.." He sighed and took a deep breath. "This can't be changed.. and that's that.. my heart is going to be broken... it's so unfair.. but there's nothing that can be done.." "Yes, it can be changed. You can change it.. Your body can't handle this pain, and your fate is in your hands, Solar. "You looked at Solar, then said, "Yes, it can be changed. You can change it.. Your body can't handle this pain, and your fate is in your hands, Solar"

(Cliffhanger >:) see yall in 2 days when I add 2 more parts to this. Go check out my two other books, "Blood and Stars" and "The Girl and The Jester")

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