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A/N - I'm in my exam week, so ya'll better appreciate this

For this one shot, you like blueberries. Alright?

You and Nico had been dating for around 3 months now. Smitten for the past 4 years, Nico was ecstatic to be dating his first love.

Your birthday was still a while off, but your sweet boyfriend already had the perfect present to give to you.

Ever since he had found out that you loved blueberries, Nico had immediately got to work to plant his own blueberry patch for you. Though he didn't know the first thing about taking care of a garden, Hazel would visit him every week to help him out with the little surprise.

It was a simple gift, but he was so excited to show you. You couldn't help but pester Nico as you were forbidden to go to the patch behind his cabin.

"Nico..." You poked his cheek grumpily, "Could you at least give me a little hint? A clue? Anything!"

Nico pushed your face away, laughing at your insulted look.

"Sorry, Y/N. I guess you just have to wait for the time being."

"But-" You whined, scooting back closer to the ghost king.

He smiled softly as he held you close. Nico wrapped his arms around you and began to plant small, loving kisses into your hair. "Gods, you're so annoying."

You huffed indignantly, yet didn't move an inch as Nico peppered kisses on you.

"I love you too..."


Right when Nico was ready to pick those berries, a bunch of... things happened. This series of events eventually led Nico to leave his precious blueberry patch and had to help out in the war against Gaea.

When he returned, birds had already taken over his garden and your present was ruined. Nico was heartbroken when he saw the pile of twigs and dried leaves all over.

"I guess we're eating some fried chicken for dinner..." Nico muttered in disappointment, glaring at one of the birds nearby.

You saw him sulking near the training arena, watching as Nico's sword sliced and jabbed through the dummies.

You blushed as Nico's hair whipped in the wind. Why would anyone as beautiful as him be so sad?

You picked up your weapon and playfully blocked Nico's strike.

His eyes went wide in surprise. A few moments later, his face relaxed as he smirked and the both of you began to "fight".

Sounds of swords clashing could be heard all over the place as you swept Nico off his feet. Literally, you kicked him on the knees.

From a distance, Chiron stood and watched with a concerned expression, "My children are play-fighting with deadly weapons... this should be normal, right?"

Finally, you and Nico had tired yourself out enough. You held up your hand and slumped tiredly onto the ground.

Nico chuckled and placed himself right on top of you. His head was nuzzled against the crook of your neck as he cuddled you right there on the ground.

You coughed and fanned the spot in front of your nose, "Nico! Get off me, your man sweat smells terrible!"

Nico pouted and kissed your lips, "Fine..."

The two of you lay down on the ground, hand-in-hand as you watched the clouds, then the sunset, and now the stars appearing in the sky.

Nico sighed and looked at you sweetly, love was practically oozing from his eyes, "Did you know I planted a blueberry patch for you? But now it's all ruined because birds ate them all."

Your jaw dropped, "Nico! You can't just say something like that... do you know how long blueberries take to-"

"Grow? Yeah, it could take up to five years," Nico chuckled taking your right hand and holding it gently to his heart, "With a bit of help from the Demeter kids, I was able to round it up to three."

"That means... you've been growing them before we even started dating."

Nico sighed and placed a kiss on your knuckles.

"They were worth it."

A/N - you didn't get your blueberries.

Shall I make an alternate ending or continue from this?

Thanks for 10k reads, love you all!!

- FantasyDemiWitch

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