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"The world you're trying to save is cold and cruel."

The Lore of Ghazayam:

Five thousand years ago, before the red stone known as Ghazayam was created, there was a kind and generous king named Kral Bīswarāsp Artiya'il the First who ruled the Qaranliq Empire.

Under his leadership, the empire prospered. Rivers flowed abundantly, flowers bloomed everywhere, trees were heavy with fruit, and the land yielded rich harvests.

The people loved their Kral, for he cared about his subjects, treating them as equals.

Before long, the wealth of Qaranliq drew jealous and envious attention from neighbouring planets within the Zoneplex, much like moths to a flame.

They coveted Qaranliq's riches, which Kral Bīswarāsp referred to as the "Golden Sparrow." Enemies of Qaranliq harboured disdain for him, scheming to overthrow him and claim his lands.

They aimed to weaken the united empire by splitting it into smaller factions, employing the age-old strategy of divide and conquer. Their spies got to work, fostering civil unrest, and within a few years, the empire was overrun with uprisings and rebellions striving to topple the Kral.

Those who labelled themselves as freedom fighters made multiple attempts on his life.

Enemies of Qaranliq understood that with the Kral's death, they could manipulate his twin sons, Hīm and Ham, pitting them against each other and eliminating them individually before seizing complete control of the empire.

The Kral himself recognised that his heirs lacked the capacity to safeguard his cherished kingdom; none possessed his exceptional intellect or extraordinary magical prowess.

Kral Bīswarāsp, desperate for a solution and unwilling to shed the blood of his subjects, withdrew to the Dread Peaks of Ghabash under cover of the night after erecting a Sacred Green Barrier across the borders of Qaranliq to shield it from outside threats during his absence.

He was the first known caster of a Sacred Barrier.

The Dread Peaks were notorious for being unforgiving, pitch black in colour, and rugged in terrain; they were forever blighted by avalanches and blizzards.

Many who saw him climb up the mountain fervently hoped he would never come down, at least not alive.

Years after Kral's death, a myth would arise claiming that he had harnessed the power of the Unseen and the skies.

However, the truth of what occurred inside the cave where he had sought refuge, remained a mystery. Yet, when he descended from the mountain, there was a noticeable change in his demeanor.

He exuded an aura of power, terror, and authority, causing everyone around him to cower in fear and submission. In his hand, he held a gleaming red stone imbued with the elemental powers of the earth.

This stone possessed such immense power that it could tear through the fabric of the universe and pierce the veil separating worlds. The Kral named it Ghazayam, the invader, a fitting title for its formidable nature.

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