important question

690 52 44

Hey y'all! Sorry for the note, but if anyone is willing to read, it'd be a huge help!

I've been getting an influx of messages and comments of people from the first book who are having trouble finding this one? I have no idea why-- if they're not looking in the right place, if it's glitching, what, but a lot of people have expressed that they're having issues seeing updates when wattpad says they've posted them, etc 

Because of this, I've been considering melding this book with the first one-- that is, taking this book down and just updating out of the first book's draft, to keep it all together. I'd still separate it with like a page thing that lets people know, but it might make it easier?

What do you think? Would that complicate it more? This has been an ongoing issue, to the point that I've been emailing people new chapters because they're unable to see them. Thank you Wattpad for that btw. 

Thoughts, feelings? Would you guys MIND if I did that? I could add them to the first book and still keep this version for the people in it, but the thought was that I'd take this one down-- what do y'all think? Obviously anyone who replies to this probably isn't having the problem as these other ppl, but would it bother y'all? 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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