Chapter 0: Separated

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A prologue of this story also I'm not in mood at all right now and I'm bored

This book is non-canon in my story, I'm only do this for fun and I'm only own Reverse


No one p.o.v

A normal day with a chirping of birds flying on the blue sky. Everything was calm in the planet called Earth

"Boboiboy!! Send this drink to table over there!" said someone, he seems older than the boy who take the drink and bring it to few of people at there

"Um, Atok..." a lowly voice asked as the elder look at that boy

"Ah, Reverse! What are you doing here?" asked the elder while doing another drink. To anyone who doesn't know him, he is Tok Aba. The owner of Kokotiam, a place there you shouldn't miss

"Can I help too? I'm kind a boring right now" said him to elder as he playing his fingers. The elder amused with albino acts and hand him two drinks

"Send this to table number 3" said the elder as Reverse nodded and goes to the table Tok Aba means. The elder can't help but chuckled and shook his head

"Tok Aba, here another orders" suddenly around sphere thing come to the counter as handed a paper to the elder. "Thanks, Ochobot" replied the elder

Everything seems peaceful with a little help at Kokotiam

Few second later, two teenagers sit down on the chair at the counter. The elder chuckled and give them a drinks. "Here, drink it" said him as the teenagers take the drinks and drank it

"Leganya. {So freshly}" commented the teenager named Boboiboy. "I don't know why can I get tired so quick" said Reverse as he put his head on the counter

"Today is very hot and lots of customers come here today" said the elder

"It's surprisely Gopal didn't come today" said Boboiboy

"Um, Boboiboy, today they are in vacation" answered Reverse as Boboiboy facepalmed his forehead. "Oh my, I forgot" said him

"You always forgot it" said Ochobot who just come out nowhere. "Gopal go vacation with his parents, Yaya went to Japan together with Ying and Fang doing a mission with Captain Kaizo" said Ochobot while shook his head to his friend temper of forgot something

Boboiboy only scratching his head in embrassed before Tok Aba end the conversation, "Dah, dah, stop the nonsense, clean this shop now and then we will go home" said the elder as the teenagers do what the elder said meanwhile the power sphera goes follow to the elder from behind

Those teenagers still cleaning the shop while having a talk, "Reverse, I want ask about something" asked Boboiboy as Reverse look at that boy

"Why do you come here? I mean you are need a time to repair Scarcebot but why, you are here anymways?" asked him as Reverse stop what he doing and take inhale

"Well, Admiral already scolded me when he heard from Nut that I not take a sleep for whole 2 days" said Reverse as he remember that day where Admiral scolding him like an asian parents for not take a sleep

Meanwhile with Boboiboy he was jawdropped after heard that. "Then Admiral ordered me to follow you go back to the Earth and let Scarcebot in TAPOPS care" continued Reverse as he continue again the chores as Boboiboy help him

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