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hey guys! 

sorry if you thought this was going to be a new chapter, i will update soon though!

so basically, i am now, reviewing all the chapters, and i noticed alot of mistakes,(grammar,spelling,etc) and i decided to fix them all since i want this story to be the best it could be. so if i dont update for a few days, please know that im not ignoring the story, as i said, im just fixing all the mistakes and missing parts,  and im including alot of moments of  lilas's  dad, because something is going to happen in the near future! *spoiler alert* so please dont go anywhere!

another thing, since you guys seemed to really like this story, i decided to make another fanfiction.(just as soon as this story is done.)thanks to this lovely reader, @soccer0723 , she told me to take the oppurtunity and do it! and it is still going to be about Neymar. because I find he is the most appropriate for the plot and everything.

thank you guys for your patience and lovely comments and votes!! i love you all so so much, and i hope you show the same love to my next fanfic here on wattpad. Thank you! xx :)

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