Having fun with Monty

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Sorry if the photo looks weird... I still haven't made a permanent Y/n model to use...


It was currently afternoon, and you were in the lobby with Freddy and Monty

"I'll see you in a little bit, Superstar." He looks down at you while holding your hand, gently rubbing circles on the top of it

"Okay! Goodbye, my Teddy Bear. Have a nice day at work." You smile back and lean in for a quick smooch

Returning the smooch tenfold, he nuzzles his cheek against yours before heading off to attend some birthday parties

"He made you way too soft." Monty mumbles while drinking a soda

"Has not." You cross your arms and look away

After a moment of silence, you look over at his soda and notice his straw getting awfully close to his eye each time he takes a swig

"Be more careful with your straw by the way." You grab onto his straw and point it away from his face

"Case and point." He smirks while sassily taking another swig

"Okay, maybe he has rubbed off on me A LITTLE bit."

"More like a lot. What happened to the fun Y/n? You know, the one who managed to win a grand prix blindfolded?"

He points at a poster nearby of you blinded with some words saying 'RACING MASTER!'

"Oh come on. I still know how to have fun." You cross your arms defensively

"Then if you do, let's go play some games, yeah?" He raises an eyebrow

"Alright. As long as it's done in a safe and calm man-"

"Blah blah blah. Let's go have some fun!"

Tossing his soda cup into a trash bin, Monty hoists you over his shoulder and begins carrying you off to heavens knows where

"Okay then..." You put your hand under your chin as he carries you away

- - - -

Once getting into Gator Golf, he sets you back down on the ground and gestures at the Rollercoaster

"We're gonna ride that, at the highest speed, and try to hit the various targets I set up around the attraction." He explains while pointing at the various targets scattered around the room

Taking notice of where he's pointing, you see a bunch of various red targets in the room. Some are on the ground, some hanging from the ceiling, and some are even on the walls. In truth, he had asked one of the employees to hang the targets around the area for him

"Huh... Alright, seems easy enough." You nod slowly.

Grinning widely, Monty holds onto your arm as you two board the carts

"What are we throwing at the targets to knock them over?" You ask while buckling up

"Oh yeah. Here..."

He pulls out two ball launchers that can be purchased from the ticket booth near the Atrium

"We're using these." He hands a launcher to you before starting the counter down on the Rollercoaster and hopping in himself, buckling up right behind you

"Huh. Alright, cool." You inspect the launcher, shooting out an experimental ball

After a couple of seconds, the Rollercoaster eventually blasts off at the maximum speed

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