Part 2: The nightmare of a dream

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Now it's the sunrise of the 22nd of April. And Im so scared to sleep now, because what if she was there again and she comforts me so much and loves me as much too. Im afraid that I will be woken up and it will break my connection from my own dream the same as before, Im afraid to give everything and love so much again.

Im currently fighting my tiredness so that I would not feel pain and agony again, but a part of me still wants to see her in a dream so I am googling how to sleep and see her again, but I haven't made much luck. But still even if it takes me days or nights just to see her again in my dream with that smile and loving me unconditionaly, I will definitly do it without even a second thought or a shadow of a doubt.

(I just want to say that ate Lily I hope you are doing well and I hope you are safe, I hope you are having a good night sleep for a brand new day.)

Now Im getting drowsy and Im feeling that I am slowly getting asleep now with still a little bit of scaredness but with a lot of comfort knowing that I could see her again in my dream.

Though there is a part of me that doubts I'll see her again, I just patted myself and said "all will be alright in time, just trust have faith and it will come true just how you've wanted it." And after that is done, I gave up my eyes and shut them close for a while.

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