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Chapter Five: 


Tommy sits in his office at the betting shop, cigarette in hand, taking a long drag and letting the smoke linger in his lungs before he exhales it. The wisps of smoke swirl around him as he observes his men working and squabbling through the open doors, a scene all too familiar.

Drawing another lungful of tobacco, Tommy lets his mind run freely. 

The rumour mill of Birmingham blazes with fervour. Every newcomer strolling through the streets of Small Heath is swiftly enlightened about the formidable gangsters who reign over the area ━ the indomitable Shelby family. In the same breath, they hear tales of Billy Kimber, the mastermind behind horse race fixings, followed by the cunning Lee family, infamous for their curses. And at the apex of intrigue, they are introduced to the enigmatic hitman known as Nine, and his adept younger sister, Anya, the skilled pickpocket.

Yet, the transients who arrive with curiosity and hope are destined for brevity. None linger for long, departing after a mere handful of days, unable to withstand the weight of the city's secrets and the shadowy figures that dwell within.

Tommy finds this information, shared by a gossiping Ada, more amusing than anything else. 

Despite Nine and Anya's recent arrival ━ Nine having been in Birmingham for only a month and Anya even less ━ they have somehow managed to integrate themselves into the underground workings of the city. Seamlessly. Effortlessly. Like they had been born and bred here. 

Tommy takes another drag of his cigarette, musing to himself about all the players on his chessboard. His attention is momentarily diverted when Aunt Polly strides into his office, removing her hat and coat with a smile. "I bumped into my favourite thief this morning," she announces.

“Hello to you as well, Poll,’’ Tommy says, exhaling the smoke toward the open window. 

Ignoring his remark, his Aunt settles herself on the couch tucked against the far wall, crossing one leg over the other. “Pretty girl, that Anya,” she says, “got caught pickpocketing by a copper on our payroll. She told him if he so much as touched her, her brother would cut his cock off and shove it right down his throat.” 

Tommy could imagine that. “Did the copper let her go?” He asks. 

"Well, he certainly looked terrified when he did," Aunt Polly replies with a hint of amusement. “Must have realised who she was, that poor copper.” 

Tommy smiles, extinguishing his cigarette in the ashtray. 

Aunt Polly then shifts the conversation. "How is business going with Billy Kimber?"

"I'm handling it," Tommy replies.

"And the Lee family?"

"I'm handling that too."

"And our Ada?"

"... Still figuring things out," Tommy admits. Despite his best efforts to maintain a good relationship with Ada, somewhere along the way, she deceived him and started seeing someone behind his back. 

But Tommy's concern isn't directed at Ada or her lie. It’s aimed at the person she’s involved with. 

“Hm,” Aunt Polly glances out the window, her smile sharpening. “Perhaps you should ask that handsome hitman or yours for some help.’’ 

Tommy’s smile turns flat. 

Nine doesn't belong to him. 

Quite frankly, Nine doesn't belong to anyone. He's a hitman for hire. Not a hitman for keeping. Tommy can't even imagine that man on a leash. 

make room (we're taking over here) ━ tommy shelby x male!oc!Where stories live. Discover now