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Chapter Thirteen: 


Tommy slips out of the private room, re-entering the corridor. His heart continues to beat loudly behind his ribcage, sending a rush of blood through his ears. He retraces his steps, his gaze falling upon Aunt Polly and Freddie conversing near the kitchen and storage rooms.

"You think I can't handle Thomas Shelby?" Freddie asks, annoyance seeping into his voice.

“You can't,” Aunt Polly asserts firmly, refusing to back down. “I'm having trouble these days and I'm twice the man you are.” 

Not wanting to get caught up in their argument, Tommy quickly departs before they can notice his presence. He reenters the bustling venue, greeted by the soft melody of music, the laughter of Finn in response to one of Isaiah's remarks, and the lively atmosphere of guests swaying on the dance floor. Navigating his way between the tables, Tommy escapes the confines of the venue, stepping into the chilly night air. He shivers, having left his coat and suit jacket inside. 

Compared to the slums of Small Heath, the countryside surrounding him is a welcome sight. Even under the dim glow of a lone street lamp, Tommy can make out vast stretches of lush greenery in the distance, punctuated by a scattering of modest houses.

Seeking solace, Tommy strolls around the perimeter of the venue, making his way towards a secluded area at the back. Another street lamp illuminates the space, its flickering flame casting a gentle glow. Leaning against the cool brick wall, he takes a deep, steadying breath, exhaling a moment later. However, his nerves continue to burn, refusing to be calmed.

The realisation of his burgeoning love for Nine continues to bewilder Tommy, leaving his mind in disarray. How could he have permitted such feelings to take root? In frustration, he runs his hands down his face, hoping to find some clarity amidst the chaos.

It dawns on him that this predicament is a direct result of his own actions, his willingness to allow Nine to breach his personal boundaries. If only he had refused those occasional moments of hand-holding or resisted the allure of Nine's soft, gentle words. Perhaps then, he wouldn't find himself in this precarious position, grappling with the knowledge that people like him have a specially reserved place in Brixton prison. The weight of that reality hangs heavily upon him, serving as a stark reminder of the potential consequences of his forbidden feelings.

As his world spins off-kilter, Tommy sinks low to the ground, wrapping his arms tightly around his knees. His gaze fixates on the expansive field of yellow and white dandelions stretching out before him, and an ache settles deep within his heart.

What path lies ahead for him now? Confronting his feelings directly seems an overwhelming task. It would be wiser, he convinces himself, to bury these emotions deep within, to forget about them entirely. By doing so, he hopes to shield himself from harm. 

Having already experienced the agony of a broken heart, Tommy is steadfast in his determination to protect himself from enduring such pain again. Lost in his thoughts, he stares into the void. He's unaware of someone approaching him until he hears Nine voice, softly murmuring, “Trying to catch a cold?’’ 

Tommy blinks, his gaze shifting upward to meet Nine's. Immediately, his palms start to sweat and his pulse trips, filling him with nervousness. Tommy stands to his feet, straightening out. What was it that Nine had asked him? The question eludes his memory, slipping away like an elusive dream.

Nine smiles, slow and soft, and shrugs off his suit jacket to gently drape over Tommy's shivering form, enveloping him in a rush of warmth. Tommy’s heart swoons. It's a chilly night, and yet Nine has willingly relinquished his own suit jacket to place around Tommy's shoulders. It’s such a foolishly, frustratingly kind gesture. 

make room (we're taking over here) ━ tommy shelby x male!oc!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora