Goenka mansion...
In a cozy dining room adorned with warm hues and soft lighting, Sejal, stood beside her, gently coaxing her to eat. Maahi sat with a tired yet grateful expression, her appetite finally returning after a long day.

"Come on, beta," Sejal encouraged, spooning a mouthful of rice and lentils onto Maahi's plate. "You need to keep your strength up."

Maahi glanced up at Sejal, her eyes reflecting both weariness and affection. "Thank you, Mom," she murmured, allowing herself to be nourished by the comforting familiarity of home-cooked food.

Across the table, Manish, watched the scene with a soft smile, his eyes twinkling with paternal pride. Beside him, Ansh couldn't help but grin, his heart swelling with love for both the women in his life.

As Sejal continued to feed Maahi, their bond of love and care shone brightly, filling the room with warmth and contentment.

Living room.
Ansh paces back and forth, frustration evident in every step, as Maahi enters the room, her expression hopeful.

ANSH: Maahi, how many times do I have to tell you?

Maahi's shoulders slump, knowing what's coming but unable to suppress her desire for reconciliation.

MAAHI: Ansh, please, I just want—

ANSH: What you want is tearing us apart! Every time you go back there, it's like a knife in my heart.

Maahi's eyes well up with tears, her voice trembling with emotion.

MAAHI: I know, Ansh, but they're my family. I can't just abandon them.

Ansh stops pacing, turning to face her with a mixture of anger and desperation.

ANSH: And what about us? What about our happiness? Do you even care about that anymore?

Maahi reaches out to touch his arm, her voice pleading.

MAAHI: Of course, I care, Ansh. But I can't ignore my family.

Ansh pulls away, his frustration boiling over.

ANSH: You never listen to me! You keep going back there, getting humiliated over and over again. And for what? For people who don't even accept us?

Maahi hangs her head, tears flowing freely now, torn between her love for Ansh and her loyalty to her family.

MAAHI: I'm sorry, Ansh. I just can't help it.

Ansh exhales sharply, his anger deflating into resignation as he looks at Maahi, his heart breaking.

ANSH: I don't know how much more of this I can take, Maahi. I just don't know.

As Ansh storms out of the room, Maahi collapses onto the couch, her tears flowing uncontrollably. Sejal and Manish, rush into the room, concern etched on their faces.

SEJAL: Maahi, what happened?

Maahi looks up, her eyes red and swollen, as she struggles to find the words through her sobs.

MAAHI: Ansh... he's so angry. He can't stand it anymore.

Manish sits beside Maahi, wrapping his arm around her shoulders, while Sejal kneels in front of her, wiping away her tears.

MANISH: Shh, it's okay, beta. We're here for you.

Sejal's voice is soothing, her eyes filled with compassion as she gazes at her daughter.

SEJAL: You don't have to go through this alone, Maahi. We love you, and we'll always be here to support you.

Maahi leans into her parents' embrace, finding solace in their comforting presence amidst the turmoil of her marriage.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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