The birth of an Angel

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Lucifer Morningstar often got bored down in hell, so over the centuries he would pop up on earth and enjoy the throes of passion of human life...

In the year of 1987 he met a beautiful woman called Elenor, he fell madly in love with her and they had a whirlwind Romance.. he was honest from the start in who he was and she did not look at him differently, it made him love her more. Who knew the devil could love? He certainly didn't.

It was October 1988, when they found out Elenor was pregnant, a fallen angel and a human was one thing, but adding a child into the mix was a whole sea of trouble, So lucifer turned to the one Angel who knew would be on his side, his brother Gabriel, They decided it would be best to hide the child as soon as she's born from all the other angels. They traveled to small town in England called Leadworth.

Gabriel and lucifer helped Elenor settle in the small town, shielding her and the baby under a small miracle,  her pregnancy grew and their child was special even from the womb, showing signs of great power, helping her mother heal cut on her hand from her dish, if that's what she can do from the womb, what will she be able to do after she's born?

It was May 1989 when Elenor started to feel weird pains, her body started show signs of going Into labour, lucifer and Gabriel were worried, a human giving birth to a part angel hadn't been known before, she suffers a great pain, as her daughter was born her whole body light up in a golden glow, she slowly losing the will to hang on to her life, her last look was to her daughter, her last words were to her daughter telling her she was loved, and her father and uncle would always look after her.. before her eyes closed over for the final time... leaving Lucifer and his Brother with a small child to care for.

Lucifer looked down at his daughter in his arms and he knew that she would always come first, no one would ever harm not if he had anything to do with it.

There was quite a few ups and downs in her childhood, especially being raised by two angels who knew nothing about children, considering one of those angels was also seen as the devil to many.

During her second birthday her wings manifested in front of everyone, beautiful deep purple wings with a sharp edge, Her father and uncle had to scrub everyone's minds so that they didn't remember.

That though wasn't the last time they had to scrub someones mind, Seraphina didn't have much of a filter and would of speak before thinking as she got older her Father and Uncle often had to remind her not to tell anyone what she was

She always felt different and she knew she was different, she just wanted a friend, and she was lucky to meet Amelia Pond, when she she didn't feel as lonely now she had a friend, she told Amelia in secret what she was and had to beg her uncle and Father to let Amelia know, she won, they couldn't say no to her very much. 

Slowly her group of friends grew when they met Rory and Mels at Primary school, though Amelia often had to get Seraphina and Mels out of trouble often.

It was one night when they were 7 years old when a blue box crash landed in Amelia's garden, and out came a weird man falling all over the place, what they both didn't realise was this man was going to take them on an adventure of a lifetime...


I know another book but I had to get this out my head..

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