You Have To Care.

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Requested by momo_9245

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Hobi hated taking a day off.

He felt it was a waste of precious time.

Which was why whenever he was sick, he'd ignore it and pump himself full of over-the-counter medicine until he got through it. It worked most of the time, but his members always told him it wasn't healthy and if he was sick he needed to take a break and get actual rest.

He wasn't one to listen to their advice because he was always way more concerned with making sure to get through every single dance practice and vocal rehearsal. He couldn't dare let anyone down by falling behind.

However, he'd recently been getting sick again, but this time was different. It wasn't his usual runny nose or slight headache that he'd get with a cold.

This was something much worse, and no amount of over-the-counter medicine was helping. It was to the point where Jin already told him he had to stop taking these cheap medicines because he was nervous about his dongsaeng getting weird side effects or hurting his body more in the attempt to cure it.

Hobi couldn't stop coughing during dinner. His body ached and his chest felt tight. It seemed like no matter how much oxygen he sucked in, he couldn't fill his lungs enough. Between coughs he found himself gasping for air.

Yoongi started patting his back. "You have to go to the doctor, Hobes. You're never going to get better if you don't take the time to go there, and then rest a bit."

"N-no, I'm fine." Hobi muffled his cough into his elbow. All of the members were staring at him with great concern. It was hard for them to eat dinner because they were so worried. Hobi had never seemed this sick before. "" He was constantly cut off by the coughs his body had to release. At one point he went to suck in a deep breath and everyone heard the mucus build up in his lungs. It sounded like someone had shaken up a bag of rocks.

"You feel like you have a cold?" Taehyung asked.

"Yeah, just a cold. Like I said will pass..." Hobi fell into a pretty bad coughing fit. Yoongi was still patting his back the best he could to help. His dongsaeng couldn't seem to get the mucus up and out of his lungs.

"Hobi hyungie," Jungkook pouted, "You need to see a doctor. We're all really worried about you. You've only been getting worse instead of better. It doesn't seem to be passing, hyungie."

"Everyone, please stop. I said I'm fine, okay?" There was a hint of annoyance in the rapper's voice. He knew he didn't want to go to the doctor and he wanted everyone else to drop it as well.

Jin spoke up. "Are we not allowed to be worried?"

"There's no need," Hobi replied. "I've been sick before."

"Not like this though," Jimin frowned.

Hobi stood up after his annoyance and anger got the best of him. "If you don't mind I'd like to go to bed. We have practice early and I'm feeling quite tired."

The members watched as Hobi departed down the hall to his room, having a coughing fit into his elbow the entire time.

"I'm scared," Taehyung admitted. "I don't like it when he's sick."

"None of us do," Namjoon replied. "Hopefully it passes on its own."


The next morning, Hobi could barely lift his body out of his bed to get ready in time for practice. He felt as though he'd been hit with a giant truck, and then continuously ran over by it. The pain sat in his chest. He couldn't get the feeling of tightness out no matter how much he coughed up.

You Have To Care. [J hope Sickfic]Where stories live. Discover now