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With the new year, Estelle wanted to try and change her attitude, refresh her personality if you will, but everything seemed to piss her off, especially Mattheo and his friends.

Yeah, so what if he saved her from getting molested? That wasn't necessarily an excuse for him to start being nice to her. At least that's what they both thought.

But anyways, Estelle decided to keep the Adrian Pucey incident to herself, and, well, Sirius, Barty and Remus of course, though she hadn't said his name nor mentioned Mattheo's. It was safe to say they were worried, but all was good.

All was good. And it would stay that way if Mattheo wouldn't shut his fucking trap during classes.

"Riddle, will you stop talking and pay attention for once?" said professor 'Moody' in a threatening tone as the boy paused from his blabbering. "Oh, I'm sorry, did my conversation disrupt your lesson? Am I going to get a detention? Again?" mocked Mattheo unseriously.

"Maybe, or I could just turn you into a ferret like I did with Malfoy" Moody answered back, making the whole class chuckle. "Oh come on, Professor, that joke died ages ago" Mattheo scoffed with a smirk, placing his feet on his desk.

"Y'know what, Riddle? Come here, let's see if you even know what this lesson's about" said Moody. Mattheo gave a look to his friends, chuckling and getting up to stand at the front of the class.

"Pick out a partner in which you shall duel". Mattheo looked around the classroom, wanting to pick Theodore, but was interrupted before he could speak, "None of them being your friends".

Mattheo smirked and crossed his arms, "Potter" he chuckled. Everyone turned to look at Harry, stepping up from his seat and facing Mattheo.

"Riddle" Harry clenched his jaw, "Potter" Mattheo pressed his tongue against his inner cheek, slightly towering over the Gryffindor before him.

"Now, in your positions, I want you, Riddle, to cast any jinx at Potter, who shall try to block your jinx" Said Professor Moody "three, two, o—" he didn't even get to finish his countdown as Mattheo immediately casted at Harry, "Impedimenta!" .

Harry's movements were all slowed down, as if he were moving in slow motion. The entire class laughed, but the spell wore off after a few seconds. "That was before time, it doesn't count!" Argued Harry.

"Oh well, then. I guess this isn't." Laughed Mattheo, "Sectumsempra-" Mattheo nearly casted at him, but Harry prevented it with a counter-curse. Everyone gasped, and Moody finally stepped back in.

"Alright, that's enough you two, back to your seats" he ordered, distracting almost all students that Mattheo used an advanced spell, but it didn't slide past Estelle. 'Maybe his father had taught him?' She thought to herself. It would make sense as before Regulus's death, he'd taught her advanced spells as well. Spells no ordinary fourth year would know of.

- - -

The infamous Slytherin boys along with Pansy and Daphne sat in their dorm, giggling as they tried drinking and smoking again all together. They were all already half drunk, half high and totally unaware of anything.

Draco was slouching in the corner of the room, smirking at Daphne who was drunk out of her mind, laughing and flirting with him. Mattheo was stupidly staring off into the distance, randomly talking about the dumbest topics to a half-asleep Theodore. Pansy and Blaise were snorting out laughs together, all sassy and judgmental, and Lorenzo was, well, being Lorenzo.

They were surprisingly a bit quiet, but it didn't last long as Mattheo felt the urge to speak. "What's wrong with her?" Mattheo yawned and rubbed his eyes, as if everyone understood who he'd been talking about. "Who?" replied Lorenzo, flopping onto his bed like a worm.

"Black. Estelle. Whatever you call that bitch" the drunk boy sneered. Pansy laughed, "She's either always quiet or sticking her nose in some book. I swear, she doesn't know the word fun"

"I give up on trying to communicate either her at this point. If she wants to be a bitch, she'll face a bitch as well" Daphne said and rolled her eyes, laying her head down onto Draco's lap.

"I heard my father talk something about including her in some plan. I'm guessing for some big attack on Dumbledore" Mattheo yawned before taking another swing of a bottle of alcohol.

"Mate, slim it with the drinking, you'll get the worst hangover" Lorenzo groaned as he got up from his bed in a wobbly manner. "I think you should've told him that earlier" Blaise chuckled, "Hangover's gonna hit him like a shit ton of bricks"

"Ahh, who fucking cares. You only live once, yeah?" Mattheo snorted, drowning down the last sip of liquor in the bottle and placing it on the floor. "Exactly. You only live once, so you've got to be at least a bit careful" said Draco.

"Whatever. If you're careful then life's a bitch. And well, then life's a bitch then you die, right? Gotta make the best of it" Mattheo stifled a small laugh and so did Theodore before finally falling asleep, feeling drowsy from the weed he'd smoked.

"I guess..." sighed Blaise, taking another swing of alcohol then handing it to Pansy. "What do you guys think the last championship challenge is?" Draco randomly asked.

"No idea. Hope it kills her, though" Mattheo was irked at the mere thought of Estelle. He didn't know what it was about her, but he just despised her, and he never wasted a chance to show it, even if it were or were not to her face.

But pushing that aside, Mattheo around in his bed until he was comfortable enough to finally fall asleep with a loud snore.


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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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