Day 218

10 1 1

     As I woke up, looking up at the gloomy sky, rain started pouring down. Just my luck. But at least the rain can suppress any of the loud noises I make.
     What's weird about these creatures is that you can't exactly call them zombies. Some of them are still sane, well at least to some level. Their moods fluctuate. From what I have seen I think they lose their memory after a little while, making them either sane or become insane. Some either have enhanced hearing or eyesight. If I'm unlucky I might encounter one with both.
     A noticeable symptom is when your skin starts to rot. That means you're becoming one of them. Memory loss is the next sign then fatigue and then... I don't know. I don't think I want to know. Do you just turn into one overnight? Is it painful? I can't help but think about the lives that they might have had before all this. Every time I see one I am forced to kill them. I feel terrible but look at it this way, they were trying to kill me first.

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