Chapter One

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I walk in a dark alleyway with nothing but garbage. The smell was horrible, making me keep my guard up. You'll never know when one of them will jump out at you. BOOM. I look behind me and see a huge cloud of smoke coming from a distance. Shit. Shit shit shit. What way do I run? I predict they all are going to run towards where the explosion came from but that's the problem. I'm going to encounter hordes of them if I run away from the explosion but I'm also going to run into them if I run towards the explosion. I don't have much time to dwell on this. The best possible solution is to hide. I look around, of course there is nowhere to hide. I run down the alley searching for any possible spot I can hide in but nothing. Just rotting corpses and garbage. Turning my head left and right, desperate since I hear the creatures coming, I spot a dumpster. Sure it is quite disgusting and it smells diabolical, but what choice do I have? I quickly and quietly open the dumpster and jump in. Surprisingly it was empty although it still stunk.

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